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badlands anyone

I'm in if I can get my trailer dragged up here from my parents place.

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Matt... you are due for a 10th anniversary run then...

that's what we should do!

April? May? I'd like to hear some suggestions...

I have every other weekend off... And April and May will work. Like I said, just gotta wait till I know my days off. May however may lend itself better for camping. Thew campgrounds there aren't too bad.

How strange, I was just watching my video from when I came out there for Attica in 2001, what a blast! Though I never could find the badlands shirt that I bought, I think I left it somewhere, dang, oh well, might have to come back sometime! :)

I can only imagine what that video is like!

I can only imagine what that video is like!

still have that video somewhere... that was so much fun - we had a blast!

here's one of the pics my son took that day... Matt's truck I believe - sorry Pedro for cutting your head... ;)


  • 00001.JPG
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still have that video somewhere... that was so much fun - we had a blast!

here's one of the pics my son took that day... Matt's truck I believe - sorry Pedro for cutting your head... ;)

Ah. The good old days when some people actually wheeled the midwest! Dre, you do need to work on the photo editing skills!

Ah. The good old days when some people actually wheeled the midwest! Dre, you do need to work on the photo editing skills!

stop that!

it wasn't me taking the picture... it was my then 8 year old son :D

Anyone who is interested in this, think May... Dre and I have work to be done to the Jeeps before we go


starting thr work tomorrow... finally the weather is getting better.

Keeping this alive. I wanted late may, but will be closing on my townhouse, so that could then bump it to early June... :rolleyes:

as long as we do it by x-mas :rolleyes:

think vacation time might not be a bad idea after all

I got all my rear armor, fenders and bumper. Painting has begun, so I should be ready. Early June also means warmer temps, maybe! :rolleyes:
