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ball joint question


Active Member
July 17, 2004
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1996 eddie bauer
My mechanic buddy is replacing the rack and pinion for me, and tells me that I need new ball joints. Do I have to replace the upper and lower ones?

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Mine had 90k on them when I replaced them. I ordered the Moog HD lowers for it and did the work on a Sunday (when NAPA was closed).

Wished I'd bought uppers for it while I was there. Boots looked like crap and I'll prolly be doing them in the next 20k or so.

cheaper and easier to do all four. It's already apart.

I just did this last weekend... do both ;). Even though the uppers are a little pricey due to having to replace the control arm, it's really easy once your already this far apart.

I went a step further... lower and upper ball joints, lower control arm bushings and new sway bar end links / bushings. The only painful part was getting the control arm bushings out but tires plus helped me out with that. I also had to cut the sway bar end links with a hacksaw.

The first side took me 10 hrs due to learning and doing things in the wrong order (I've never done it before and spent a good 3-4 hrs trying to get those control arm busings out). The second side took me 3.5 hrs, and with a little planning could've been done in 3 hrs. For just ball joints, I could see it taking as little as an hour per side.

Good luck.

Replace both upper and lower ball joints ALWAYS, it will save you a lot of trouble down the road. I replaced both on each front wheel in an afternoon. My Explorer is a 2000 Sport 2WD, I don't know how much different the 4WD are. When you buy the uppers, make sure you get the right ones for each side,the right upper control arm is a two-piece, where the left is one. The ball joints come mounted in the upper control arms, you have to replace the control arms to replace the joints, the balls are pressed in and come with new bushings installed too! The lowers are a press in ball joint that you should be able to knock out with a hammer, just remember to support the lower arm. I had to take my dremel tool and use a grinding bit to remove just enough material to allow the new ball joint to be pressed in by hand. I strongly advise just removing a little at a time and test fitting the new ball joint after each pass. I hope this helps. :)
