Bathroom Remodel #1: Powder room. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bathroom Remodel #1: Powder room.

So it's been about six month sense we bought our place, and today we desided to use a 10% off coupon we had for Lowes that was expiring today.
We plan to redo all 3 of the bathrooms in time. This was the smallest, and cheapest to stort with. So here we go...

This is what we are starting with. A 4'x6' room with a huge mirror and a ugly 70's shell sink:(


Here we will rip out the Vanity, mirror, and med cab. that is on the wall next to the sink that you can not see. The painted over wallpapered walls will get striped and the faux hardwood floor will come. (this will be saved for replacement use if need in the rest of the house.)

This is what we are going for....

Budget: Under $1000

Spent so far? About $700

We have:
Vanity with top
Med Cab.
Storage Cab.
Light Fixture
Sink Fixture
12"x12" Tile
Paint (missing from pic)
Bath Accs.


Demo starts soon:D

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Guess it is a little late but the flooring could have had asbestus in it as well.

Yeah, I was thinking this too. Depending on when the linoleum was put down, the linoleum and/or the adhesive could have asbestos in it.

Place was built in '73 so it is very possiable:(

Tile cutter is portable, sort of, it's heavy I know, and it will not fit in the truck of the Volvo:rolleyes:

Place was built in '73 so it is very possiable:(

Wear a respirator if you have it, wet down the area if you have to scrape, put the debris in sealed plastic bags and keep your mouth shut about where it came from. ;)

Wear a respirator if you have it, wet down the area if you have to scrape, put the debris in sealed plastic bags and keep your mouth shut about where it came from. ;)

I have no idea what your talking about:D

If you see the remnants of a 8x8" or 9x9 tile or the adhesive, it may be abstesos. Absestos was around till the 80s so chances are very high it contained it at one point. Your gonna need to raise the toilet flange but I'm sure you know that :p A easy way to make the tile centered is to find the center point of the floor and try to map the tiles that way. If you run into a issue where the tiles are off centered in the door way you can always move the center point over to make it look more aesthetic

In the state of California, flooring (not the mastic/glue) is usually consider non-friable. Since you didn't grind or sand the floor, you should be safe.

It's totally legal in California for you (the homeowner) to remove the tiles, bag them, and dispose of them at the local hazardous waste center..

As for the toilet flange, leave it alone, just get an extended height wax ring, or stack two of them together.

Toliet should not be to much problem. After removing the three layers of flooring, the tile will about the same.:D

..I was going to grind the floor clean to get the glue up...but I guess that's a bad idea now:( I'm think Goo be gon, or I have some citrus paint stripper stuff that smells good:D

That's concrete, correct?

Go to HD, and find the mastic remover and a tungsten paint scraper.

That's what I used on my bathroom floor, and it does get off. Of course, you will be
very, very sore afterwards.

yeah, concrete slab. It's not bad...just tacky in a few places. Might as well do it right though;) At least it's a very small room:rolleyes:

Besides it's can't any worce then chisiling away that stuff for 4 hours. Let just say I have a whole new level or respect for Mt. Rushmore:p:

I feel your pain for removing the lenolium. I used warm water, a paint scraper and large ice scraper to remove mine. (stripper didn't seem to work better so I used the water so there wasn't the fumes)

lots of progress today...and the last few days:rolleyes:

Got the medicine cabinet hole filled, primed, painted, installed new lighting and the wall cabinets were mounted. The vanity and toliet is just sitting so the cabinets cound be mounted right. Tommorow I'll start the tile. ;)



Tile went in today.;) Tommorow afternoon we grout, and the Probally Next weekend we wrap it up. Vanity and toliet will go back in, then just have to change out the outlet and switch, mount towel rack...Oh and the the base boards.

I think it's not to bad for my first tile job:thumbsup:



What tile is that you used? Looks real close to the tile in my house. except mine are 18" tiles.

Maybe I will stop by tommorow and take a look. I am heading that way.

:dunno:Tile is some 12x12 I got at Lowes.

I got everthing grouted yesterday...just going tru the waiting prosess now..

On another just got a bit more $$$:(

The toliet tank was sitting in the garage, when I walked buy and bumped it. Then there was a crash...and I busy with a dust pan and broom :banghead:

Toilet sitting outside backdoor from bathroom-laundry swap COME and GET it! Its free!!!!

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let the fun begin... the grout is set, the tile is sealed. Now we put it all back together...or do we? :(

Not sure what to do with this gap:(

I know, I know...what your thinking, but the cabinet is dead level in the picture...the wall is all out of wack:rolleyes: 3/4"-1" at the top of the cabinet.

So what do I do? molding to hide it? make a wedge piece to fill it? :confused:
