battery cables | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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battery cables


To the flo...
October 31, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Dimondale, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 GT, '93 Limited
Howdy. I wanna do the "magic 3" (what a cheezy name...) battery cable upgrades. I'm thinking 2 guage. But where do I buy this big azz wire? Can I run to a local NAPA or a commercial electrical supply store? Thanks.

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Would a local welding supply store have it? I'd like to buy local. I don't really care what it looks like.

They should, but you get free gloves from welding supply :D

Home Depot might also have it. Use 1/0 guage if you can.

you can get that about any where just be carefull on how flexabel it is.

what you are looking for is lots and lots of ity bity wires inside just not a couple big ones.
a wire the same size with a bunch of smaller wires can hanlde more curent then one with a couple big ones

Thanks guys. I'll go shopping for some soon at the places y'all suggested.

Here, a "Royal Brass and Hose" can make cables in any sizes you want. They also have the tools to install battery terminals. Don't use any "bolt on" terminals, they become the weakest link.
Ask a place which does hydraulic lines where you can get hoses and cables also.

Here they just started to make stainless brake lines. I took them a set for my Mountaineer. A day later, plus $42, and I have front braided brake lines.
Good luck,
