Battery problem? Please help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Battery problem? Please help!

Abdullah Ainswor

New Member
April 18, 2011
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2007 explorer
Hi folks.

My explorer 2007 was left with the hazard warning lights on for 25 mins and the battery went dead. Police got it started and I tested the battery after running it for 20 minutes and there was no problem.

Now it starts but with difficulty, and there is no battery warning light on at all.

The airbag light has started to come on as well.

Can anybody tell me what the problem may be?

It was serviced 2 months ago (including new engine belt and new crankshaft).


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If the battery is the original, you may need a new one... possibly a dead cell. Also you may invest in a code reader to plug into the diagnostics port, to give you further info on what is going on.

Thanks for that...

But why doesn't the battery warning light come on? Also, My dad (a car enthusiast but stumped by this problem) opened the battery and found that the water in some of the cells was low. He boiled some water and refilled them but the problem is still the same.

I don't really want to take it to the Ford servicing garage as they made a big mistake in identifying the last problem with the car which resulted in me having to pay for things that I didn't need to change.

Thanks for your advice.

The gauge or light generally indicates the alternator output, not necessarily the actual charge in the battery. A battery with a dead cell just won't hold a charge. If the cells were dry or extremely low, it sounds more like a defective battery.

Mine will die when it rains, it is the factory battery and looks to be on the low end for quality. Definitely not a 5 year battery.

I do not know about batteries over where you live. Here in the US it all most impossible to find a battery you can add water to. I would find a good battery dealer and have a new one installed. Most will test you system when installing a new bat. If wait too long and it shorts out it will blowout the Alternator. That will cost about 5x the cost of battery. good luck

Buy a battery. The air bag light is from low voltage. It should clear when proper voltage is restored.
