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Bell housing whine

0two explorer

January 4, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Edmonton, AB
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 xlt
Just wanted to get your thoughts on this strange problem.

2002 4.6L with about 100k on it. The thing makes a ton of whining noise when started cold with the transmission in park position. If you step on the gas the noise gets louder (still in park), but does go away when the engine warms up.

I got under it today and started it, the whining seems to be coming right from the bell housing. The thing does not want to move when shifted to drive either. You kind of have to wait for a bit, or rev it.

I checked the ATF level and it is fine (loosened the 3/16" nut and oil comes out) It is a bit brownish though.

It doesn't make sense.

Any input would be greatly apreciated.

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I had that horrible whine when my 02 xlt started up, It would get louder with reving and it would go away when it warmed up. Turns out it was my tensioner belt, It was so loose that it was acting like a chain saw and cutting directly into the steel bracing on the engine. I had the sound for about 2 months then I started hearing a terrible knocking at idle, took it in and both tensioner cables needed replacing. Now no whine when I turn it on at all in cold weather.

I have the whine too on my '04 XLT V8. I was hearing it all winter - worst when below freezing and the truck sat all night. Louder if you rev the engine. Goes away completely when fully warmed up or outside temp over 60 or so. Then the knocking at idle started. I replaced one idler pulley - the knocking is gone (bad bearing in the idler pulley), but the whine (or whistle?) is still there when cold.

And all my noise definitely comes from the front of the engine!!!

Anthony91 - the problem on yours was the tensioner, etc on the front of the engine that they replaced, right?

Yeah I read your post when I did a search. This is dfinetly coming from the bell housing area. I can check the tnesioner, but really doubt it is the problem.

I have the whine too on my '04 XLT V8. I was hearing it all winter - worst when below freezing and the truck sat all night. Louder if you rev the engine. Goes away completely when fully warmed up or outside temp over 60 or so. Then the knocking at idle started. I replaced one idler pulley - the knocking is gone (bad bearing in the idler pulley), but the whine (or whistle?) is still there when cold.

And all my noise definitely comes from the front of the engine!!!

Anthony91 - the problem on yours was the tensioner, etc on the front of the engine that they replaced, right?

Yeah, Im just saying the whistling noise is the exact same as I heard for a few months before the knocking started. It stopped once they replaced both tensioner chains.

Edit: Yeah, right in the front of the engine, when I would bend down infront of the grill you could hear it even louder.

Yeah, Im just saying the whistling noise is the exact same as I heard for a few months before the knocking started. It stopped once they replaced both tensioner chains.

Just wondering - was that like a $100 repair (parts outside engine) or a $1000 repair (pulling the engine apart sort of thing)?

Well I had it done through my uncles mechanic shop so I havent actually gotten the bill yet but I got to see some of the work and the entire front of the engine needs to be disassembled. It looked like a massive amount of work but then again I've never taken apart an engine so it could have been easier than it looked. I also had a snapped stabilizer rod and EGR sensor failure and they put a new air filter in. Once I get the bill, Ill let you know the prices of the tensioners.

Well, I just talked to a Tech at a dealership. It sounds like the transmission is on it's way out.

Bell housing noise cold

My 02 with 4.0l and 132,000 make the whine when cold and goes away after it warms up. It is not the belts/idler.I think it is the torque convertor. My EX also makes a shudder when shifting into 3 and 5th on light accel only. Anyone fix these problems.You can lay under the trk when cold and it is coming fron bell housing area.
