Best way to cover a dent/chipped off paint? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Best way to cover a dent/chipped off paint?

My friend was backing up yesterday with his door open and his door hit my car, REALLY hard. So now there is a nice dent/crease and lots of chipped paint. I want to know the best way to cover it JUST so that it wont rust or more paint wont come off, perferably with close to the same color as my truck... I'll put up picks later today of it. I dont really care too much how it looks, but I don't want it to totally stand out....

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Prime it and put a huge sticker over it! Not the best option, but the easy way out.

Well. Two options. By the touch up paint. Which is what mine is covered in and looks like hell. Or just go by some clear finger nail polish and put that over it. Happen a while ago to our one car and did that, had no problems. 'Cept it looked like crap.

As for the dent, you may want to look into a local shop that offers 'Paintless Dent Removal.' As for the chip, your best bet is to just use a very light coat of sealant on the area.

Throw some primer or touch-up on it asap.
If it is creased Paintless Dent Repair will not work.
