better stereo antenna for radio?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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better stereo antenna for radio??

I didn't know if this would be appropriate in this section, but if anybody would know, I'm sure you guys and gals would. Are there any antennas that you can substitute with the stock antenna for the radio for better reception? Also, on a side note, I was reading something about lengths of coax running from the antenna to the cb radio. It's best to go in lengths of multiples of 3? Is this so, and why? Just trying to amuse my curiosity. (Even though it killed the cat, the cat still had 8 lives left and was all the more better :p ) Thanks everyone

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No problem posting your 2 questions, here in Ham Radio, but you might also check the Explorer Audio forum as well, for the FM antenna question. I'll still give my $.02 about the FM antenna as well.

Generally, since auto stereos are normally set up for unbalalnced antennas fed by a type of coaxial cable, a "band tuned" 1/4 wavelength verticle antenna of approximately 30" works well, and that's exactly what Ford supplies with your EX. Just be sure that it is in good condition, the cable is good, and is plugged in securely to the radio. The next option, is to get a "fm booster" module that plugs into the antenna line and is really a pre-amplifier that increases the signal level to the radio. Auto sound stores, JC Whitney, even Radio Shack carries these. I wouldn't pay much more than $20. I haven't ever used one of these persoanlly, but might be worth a try.

As far as the coax length for your CB. the length only matters if you are running "Phased" dual or multiple antennas (sometimes you'll see 2 identicle antennas, one on each side mirror, of large trucks). Otherwise, the shorter the better!

I got a stubby little rubber antenna from RadioShack to replace my stock antenna and the reception is twice as good as the stocker was. For example: an AM station that used to reach 60 miles from Houston can now be heard over 80 miles away. FM stations are much better, also.

The antenna was like $4-8.

thanks for the imput everyone. i'll clean all the connections out where the antenna screws in and then look for a booster. hey alec, is your antenna that you bought from radio shack flexible enough so that it won't snap when branches hit it? thanks.

Just my 2 cents!

Pre-Amps normally bring a station better but it will also bring additional noise.

So don't be surprised if it gets a little noiser.

Let the forum know how you make out.


The Radio Shack antenna is only about 8" long, but yes it is really flexible. It's almost entirely rubber.

Can you put one of those rubbers ones on if you have a power antenna? If so, how? My power antenna is broke, stays down, and reception really sucks. I would like to get one of those...but I'm not sure if i can or how.

To put it on a power antenna, you'd have to disconnect power to the antenna motor so it didn't run. But as long as the mounting stud for the antenna is the same, it'll work.

ill have too look into that. My motor runs now...but the antenna does not go up?

Lights on but nobody home

SSIKORA: The motor runs but the antenna does not go up? This is most likely because power antennas use a flexible nylon strip that has gear teeth on one side. The motor has a worm gear that drives a nylon idler gear that in turn pushes the nylon strip up and down. These nylon strips often break, but also the idler gear teeth strip as well. I'v actually repaired one of these, but since almost all power antennas are made by a company named Harada, and the replacement power units are relatively inexpensive (if you don't go to the Ford dealer) and readily available, it's probably not worth the hassle. Just repalce it.

Thanks a lot....I'll have too look into that.

Just to tell you. I have one f the FM booster things and IMO they don't make a difference.
