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BFG km2 vs. Goodyear MT/r

I think Chad551 has them on his SAS'd Sport Trac.

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Nah Chad said he had the Trail Grapplers, not the Mud Grapplers, right? The Mud Grapplers have a VERY intense tread pattern and sidewall pattern. I would love to get some and have my trac looking like adas' trac way back in the "Lifted ST's" thread. But yeah they are very expensive, very loud, but they look great! lol. Everyone around here has Nitto Mud Grapplers on their z71's and whatnot.. it's kind of a "thing" for people around here. But the Nitto Trail Grapplers like Chad mentioned are also a pretty sick looking tread pattern, and they have a 295/75 (i think that's right) size or more than like a 33" tire. Also if youre getting into the Nitto scene and I were you, I would go Trail Grappler over Mud Grappler. if youre looking for that aggressive look, but still using it for a daily driver, and also not as much noise.

Ok, I couldn't remember right off hand which ones he ended up getting.

For the DD in a snowy region, All Terrains are great. A normal MT tire won't work anywhere near as well. There is one exception to this rule. An Extreme AT tire. These are a mix of AT/MT.

There are a few Extreme tires out there, and the MT/r's are one of them. Dual purpose tires with sipe tread and wrapping sidewall lugs. MT/r's with Kevlar are a perfect all purpose tire for a DD with a side dish of off road in the mix.

Duratracs are another good tire with AT qualities, and wrapping sidewall treads. Either would be a great tire for in climate weather.

So as far as the DD in a snowy region, the Goodyear MTR's over the BFG KM2's is my vote.

Try discounttiredirect.com for good pricing.


I just like the way they look for being a 33


Haha screw it, go for the Mud Grapplers. Sorry I cant resist that look hahaha, and I would love to see a trac with MudGrap's on her!!!










Ended up going with the Mud Grapplers. Talked to someone with a jeep that had em and he had 45k on the tires and they still looked brand new. And i'm pretty sure our trucks weigh just about the same as a jeep. Can't wait to actually get them on the truck, will you guys updated.

ahhhh!!! im excited hahaha:thumbsup::thumbsup:

have you done the TT yet? i cant tell. its gonna look sick i know that. but keep us updated with pics!

I heard the mud grapplers wear pretty quick. But they look MEAN.

Yea those pics are with a tt and sl, got the body lift but still need to put it on. And yea they wear more quickly on heavier trucks, i think and hope that i'll get 50k plus miles out of them.

so those are 33"s right? and good luck with the body lift, its all gonna look great afterwards.

Yup 33x13.50x15 on 15x10 wheels. Yea thats really my last obstacle, the body lift. I don't wanna fork out the money to have a shop put it on, i'd rather have me and some friends try to tackle it.

Wow, 13.5 is a wide tire.:eek:

The body lift will go well if your friends are at least somewhat handy. Can't wait to see the end result.

Yup i know i want that wide footprint and 33x13.50 is kind of a odd size i think nitto and toyo are the only companies that make it and maybe interco. And yea hope everything goes well and smoothly.
