Bi-Xenon Advice? Not working!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bi-Xenon Advice? Not working!!

Hey All

So i bought and (as far as myself and a close mechanic/friend can tell) correctly installed a bi-xenon kit for the mounty off ebay from an apparently "trustworthy" vendor.

Unfortunately, the high beams don't work of course and the guy said he'd do anything to avoid negative feedback and sent me another wiring harness section that controls just the high beam function. Upon re-installing it today, they still don't work.

When i push the multi-function switch forward you can hear the relay click to high beams but nothing happens. Any ideas?? Checked all fuses and bulbs are def bi-xenon bulbs. (The system is the one that moves the angle of the actual bulb btw)


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make sure all the wires are connected, on those they have a specific wire (2 wires actually) that make them tilt. the only other thing i could think of is that the bulbs are bad, but the likely hood of both bulbs being bad would be real slim. post some pics of the install, so we can see what you have

Actually, check ur wires for the plug that connects to your stock harness. You might have to switch wires around.

Are these the bi-xenons that use magnets to pull the bulbs back into the housings? I had a similar problem. I'll have to search for the post somewhere. It was the wiring in the 9007 plug, some wires had to be switched.


m4dc0w, ur link really helped, i figured out some wiring issues and then figured out the high beam, low beam mix up. Thanks a lot!!!

Glad it helped, I noticed most tech support for these places don't answer much less help.

I'm just hoping I dont need warrenty service.

