Big 3 in 99' Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Big 3 in 99' Explorer


New Member
October 11, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Clinton, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
99' XLS
I want to upgrade my big 3 wires under the hood, does anyone have any pictures and step by step instructions for upgrading the big 3, i was hoping to put 1/0 guage wire in them because i will be running a HiFonics BX1500D and probobly the ZX4000 on my stock 90 amp alt. very soon, any help is appreciated!

Big 3.........
The Big 3 Are:
1. negative battery wire to ground - just replace the negative batt. terminal and wire and ground it to the factory location
2. engine block to ground - replace the ground wire from the engine block to the chasie with a bigger wire (maybe 4 guage)
3. alternator to batt - add a fused wire from the postive post on you alternator (the one comming from the battery) to the postive terminal on your battery. DO NOT exchange wires just add a extra one. make sure it fused the same size as your factory fuse.
hope thats helps

I do not actually know wher any of these places are, thats why i was hoping someone had a diagram with step by step instructions. thanks.

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do you have an optima batery? I had a brutus 1500d in my truck and i didn't have anything but a yellow top battery and a cap. I was also running a Rockford 801x and getting very minimal if any dimming or volt drops below 12.5. I was running a 1 Farad rockford cap. There is a kit for alot of 200A alternators that include new wires and diagrams.

4 gauge is all you need. When you do the voltage loss calculations you will see why. This is a link to a post I made when I did this on my integra. It also has a 90 alternator.

The post explains a lot of theory etc. If you have any non-install specific questions, I may be able to help you with them.

So all i need to do is what i listed, because i saw that you had those 3 plus about like 7 more where you were grounding about everything in 4-guage.........i will be fine with just the big 3 that i listed?

Some of the other guys used more. I used 4 total. The integra has a tranny ground that I upgraded also. But all you need is the three that you listed.
