Blackhoused my truck's headlamps & grill | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Blackhoused my truck's headlamps & grill









Black wheels are on the way, then tires. let me know what chall think :D

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Very nice. Did you tape it off, then paint? Any prep work on the grill first? What kind of paint did you use?

wow, thats purty, Ive thought about paintin mine white(mines white) but Im putting more chrome on it then I want, so Ill stay chrome I guess...

That looks good, I've been thinking about blacking out the chrome on my 94, they just throw it every where with no rhyme or reason

That looks really good!!!

It's something "minor" but just paying attention to detail like that makes it look that much more clean!


OK, nice. Could you please show me a shot of the full front --bend down to get it at eye level please?

I will get some tomorrow, man! :thumbsup:

Very nice. Did you tape it off, then paint? Any prep work on the grill first? What kind of paint did you use?

I did not want to open up the headlamps or corner lamps, so i just used 3M plastic painters tape and slowly masked off the outer edges of the lenses (the fluted lens section), then painted everything with Krylon Fusion which bonds to plastic and requires no prepping.

That looks really good!!!

It's something "minor" but just paying attention to detail like that makes it look that much more clean!


Thanks for all the compliments, guys. I think it looks so much more clean now. Black 15x8" Basset Wheels on the way. Can't wait! :)

looks awesome keep up good work

this is completely off topic, but my mounty has the same stratch at the same place, is it a weak spot on the bumper or something?

I assume you mean "scratch" in the bumper. If so, no. Not a weak spot in the bumper but may be a weak spot in some drivers vision.

yeah, that what I meant, guess its just coincidence...

I am actually inclined to believe that most all of our Mounty bumpers have a tendency to slightly bubble right in the middle like you seem to have. I have it and so does my aunt, as well as a co-worker who both have a mounty's, odd.....:crazy:

ANYWAY (sorry haha) That looks excellent man, nice work, really. Thats the first time I've ever seen someone do that to a mounty, esp. a black one. It looks awesome.

Just did my grille too actually, check it out:

ooo, nice grill, I was thinking about that when I do my black white theme(gotta have something to dream about during class)

Looks killer. Great job. Would look great on turdle. ;)

I assume you mean "scratch" in the bumper. If so, no. Not a weak spot in the bumper but may be a weak spot in some drivers vision.

Pure coincidence man. I am getting the bumper repainted this coming weekend along with the rear bumper. I purchased the truck like this and it's an eye sore! :(

I am actually inclined to believe that most all of our Mounty bumpers have a tendency to slightly bubble right in the middle like you seem to have. I have it and so does my aunt, as well as a co-worker who both have a mounty's, odd.....:crazy:

ANYWAY (sorry haha) That looks excellent man, nice work, really. Thats the first time I've ever seen someone do that to a mounty, esp. a black one. It looks awesome.

Just did my grille too actually, check it out:

Looks good man! Thanks for the props. Check out my other thread and let me know what you think about my new wheels :).

that's very nice... I like it, keep it up man!


Thanks, man!

Looks killer. Great job. Would look great on turdle. ;)

