Blinking Over Drive Light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Blinking Over Drive Light


New Member
January 3, 2011
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City, State
Richmond Hill
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 XLT
Hey I just replaced my Transmission in my 1996 Ford Explorer and very shortly after replacing the transmission my explorer hard shifts into reverse and the Over Drive Off Light keeps blinking with in the first few mins of the car starting. I have new Transmission Oil in it. I even used a Stop slip and leak fluid. I have read that it may be the Torque converter, but is that the case? If so how bad is it to drive my explorer like that?

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I don't what your problem is but the blinking OD on my 96 was a broken OD band in the transmission. I hope it isn't the same for you.

blinking od light sets codes, get it scanned to see what it is. it could of been the junk you added blocked/ damaged the pump/ passages / valve body / screens etc. gummed up in solenoids. various things.

Definitely dont use any additives, they are a gimmick and do more harm then good.

Mercon 5 is the recommended fluid and all you should run, it's synthetic and doesn't need additives,,

Ok. The stop slip and leak stuff I added was recommended to me by a mechanic friend. I was having problems with the Transmission slipping before I put that fluid in...I'm not really sure where to go from here.

Hey I just replaced my Transmission in my 1996 Ford Explorer and very shortly after replacing the transmission my explorer hard shifts into reverse and the Over Drive Off Light keeps blinking with in the first few mins of the car starting. I have new Transmission Oil in it. I even used a Stop slip and leak fluid. I have read that it may be the Torque converter, but is that the case? If so how bad is it to drive my explorer like that?

How about a little more detail? you say you just replaced the trans, with a rebuilt? or used?
Hard shifts into rev. What about the rest of the gears?
Works better / worse when warm / cold ?

Ok my explorer has about 300,000 plus miles on it. the Transmission that I put in it was a used one with about half the miles on it as my old one had. Its a hard shift into rev. and sometimes it gives a little jerk when I put it into D. Gear one and two are fine. It seems to work a lot better when the engine is warm. I usually let the car warm up a little bit before I start driving somewhere.

Sounds like one of the bands is bad. Might want to rebuild the transmission and not swap it out again. A rebuild will give you a little more peace knowing it will work fine.

I would drain the fluid change the filter. fill it up with dextron 5. see if that fixes it.

I agree with most of the post; my 99 started doing the same and about two months later it wouldn't go anywhere. Looks like a rebuild is in your near future. By the way, my transmission has about 130K on it.

1AJeremyD .What exactly does " One of the bands is bad " mean? Sorry to hijack this thread,but I have exactly the same problem. After a few minutes driving the OD will start to flash.No amount of clicking the button on the gear shift will have any effect.

Causes and cures,please. Anybody!
