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Flashing Overdrive Light


Well-Known Member
July 10, 2007
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1999 Explorer sport
My 1999 Ford Explorer Sport, SOHC, 6 cylinder, 4 wheel drive vehicle...........

...was flashing the overdrive on/off light ever so often. This went on for about 6 months.

I will add that the light does not flash a code or message...just a steady blink, blink, blink, blink, blink..........

When the vehicle is turned off and restarted....the blinking does not commence for anywhere from 50 to 100 miles of driving.

Reverse recently went out with a loud CLUNK while backing out of a parking spot.

I had a rebuilt transmission installed by a reliable auto shop and picked the vehicle up this past Saturday, Sept. 28th.

After driving for about 80 miles or so.....the overdrive on/off light came on and started blinking AGAIN!

Should I be worried? Why is this happening? Is there any connection between the blinking light and reverse going out?

I am not taking it to a mechanic or shop because I just spent the last 2,000 dollars of my budget getting this new transmission installed.

Thanks for any help.


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My 1999 Ford Explorer Sport, SOHC, 6 cylinder, 4 wheel drive vehicle...........

...was flashing the overdrive on/off light ever so often. This went on for about 6 months.

I will add that the light does not flash a code or message...just a steady blink, blink, blink, blink, blink..........

When the vehicle is turned off and restarted....the blinking does not commence for anywhere from 50 to 100 miles of driving.

Reverse recently went out with a loud CLUNK while backing out of a parking spot.

I had a rebuilt transmission installed by a reliable auto shop and picked the vehicle up this past Saturday, Sept. 28th.

After driving for about 80 miles or so.....the overdrive on/off light came on and started blinking AGAIN!

Should I be worried? Only if you need the vehicle badly.
Why is this happening? Is there any connection between the blinking light and reverse going out? Because the computer (PCM) detects a fault of some sort. Likely no connection with previous trouble, since trans. is a DIFFERENT one now?

I am not taking it to a mechanic or shop because I just spent the last 2,000 dollars of my budget getting this new transmission installed. Understand. Take the vehicle to one of the many parts retailers who will read trouble codes (that's why the light is flashing) free. (they want to sell replacement parts, even transmissions!.

Thanks for any help.


Let us know what codes show up, then we'll go from there. imp

I should think the installer of the rebuild should stand behind the trans. you got. Or, at least read codes for you. Was any warranty implied?

4000 mile/3 month warranty

The light does not flash a "sequence"....just a steady blinking.

Does it use the steady blinking for ALL problems that are found in a transmission?

4000 mile/3 month warranty

The light does not flash a "sequence"....just a steady blinking.

Does it use the steady blinking for ALL problems that are found in a transmission?

Yes. Sequenced blinking to convey codes is a thing of the past. imp

I disconnected the battery for ONE HOUR.....(I took a nap.:):)

I have set the trip odometer to zero and will see how far I can drive before the light comes on.

In the past, it has always started flashing around 60-70 miles of driving.

This is a REBUILT transmission that I have just had installed.

I won't take it to a garage for a "reading" because the shop charges are 80 dollars minimum per hour and I have NEVER had less than two hours for any vehicle I have ever taken to a garage......regardless of how simple the problem was.

Take it to Autozone or similar shop...they'll read codes for free.
