Blower blowing air and then it stops | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Blower blowing air and then it stops


November 21, 2020
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2010, explorer 4l
Dear All;

I have a ford explorer 2010. 2 days ago I have noticed that the blower blows cold air then for 10-15 seconds it stops blowing then it blows again for about a minute or less then it stops blowing and so on so forth and it keeps doing this. The temperature outside is 106 so the heat can't be tolerated. Anyone could have an idea why is it doing this. If the motor is dead then how come it blows then it stops intermittently and I do not think it is a fuse either. By the way the compressor is working during the period of time when the blower is off because I can hear it. I was thinking the gas needs recharging but when the blower blows, then the air that comes out of the vent is cold enough. Can anyone shed some light?

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Dear All;

I have a ford explorer 2010. 2 days ago I have noticed that the blower blows cold air then for 10-15 seconds it stops blowing then it blows again for about a minute or less then it stops blowing and so on so forth and it keeps doing this. The temperature outside is 106 so the heat can't be tolerated. Anyone could have an idea why is it doing this. If the motor is dead then how come it blows then it stops intermittently and I do not think it is a fuse either. By the way the compressor is working during the period of time when the blower is off because I can hear it. I was thinking the gas needs recharging but when the blower blows, then the air that comes out of the vent is cold enough. Can anyone shed some light?
This is an update maybe someone might have had the same issue can help. The air stops blowing when I press the accelerator and the car speed reaches 60Mile then it stops blowing. Someone has mentioned to me something about a check valve but I'm not sure which check valve is he referring to and where is the location of this check valve

The link below should help.


A three years ago my 2010 had the same problem. It was vacuum hose crack/leak from intake manifold. Dealer fixed it but said I also needed a new climate control solenoid and manifold assembly. Only did the hose. No problem since then. They also checked my brakes, tires and battery and did a multi point inspection. but unlucky for them all were OK.

The link below should help.

Thank you Eddie and again you are the one helping me reqlly thankful. I have another update. Yesterday the AC stipped blowing from the vents that supposed to blow to your face and no matter what vent you chose it blows from the defroster. So not sure if the part in your answer still the problem. If it us can you point to a video how to replace it as Im not finding anything about it

Thank you Eddie and again you are the one helping me reqlly thankful. I have another update. Yesterday the AC stipped blowing from the vents that supposed to blow to your face and no matter what vent you chose it blows from the defroster. So not sure if the part in your answer still the problem. If it us can you point to a video how to replace it as Im not finding anything about it
The link below is to the part I am referencing. It is located on the passenger side near the firewall an should be in a location where it can be seen. Make sure to note how the old part is installed and do the same for the new part. Here is a photo showing the general location of the valve. The location of yours might be slightly different.




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A three years ago my 2010 had the same problem. It was vacuum hose crack/leak from intake manifold. Dealer fixed it but said I also needed a new climate control solenoid and manifold assembly. Only did the hose. No problem since then. They also checked my brakes, tires and battery and did a multi point inspection. but unlucky for them all were OK.
Thank you Very much. for the reply and I will check the vacuum hose. Appreciate your help

The link below is to the part I am referencing. It is located on the passenger side near the firewall an should be in a location where it can be seen. Make sure to note how the old part is installed and do the same for the new part. Here is a photo showing the general location of the valve. The location of yours might be slightly different.

View attachment 452816

Thanks Eddie again for your quick reply. I purchased the valve and I was about to install it but when I checked the photo that you sent, I found that the hose from the left side (where you have red circle) that supposed to go into the inside of the car or to a connector before entering the car was broken and now I'm trying to find how to replace that or if it repairable then I will repair it

I have the same problem. check and this!

I have the same problem. check and this!

I have found a broken vacuum line and tried to fix it. I reattached the hose again but barely attached then I taped it with wire tape but still did not work. i will try to reset. then I will try the control valve. The actuator looks fine from inside
