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Body Damage Thread

:fire: man, I should have been patient. I JUST bought one(well actually 2) off ebay earlier... that sucks... Thank you for the offer though... I appriciate it.
We might be hitting that same trail(index wall) this weekend up at reiter, or at least be going up there, let me know if you might be interested, I'm also always down to go any other time... :)

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My ebay fell through... still got that tailight??? :bounce:

Nice pics! I can't remember, is that close to the Naches Trail? We ran that trail two years ago. Some of the hardest wheeling I have ever seen. WA is so much fun but a lot of carnage.....those WA trees!

I just bought a really nice house and a bog shop. When you comming down for that SAS?

Gees Kent.........Why didn't you tell me we actaully had action in this forum. :)

And good god lady!!!!!! Get that thing to ID so we can work on it. :cool:

I don't venture here very often. I try but have been quite busy.

yeah I seem to like those trees a little too much.
No, I dont think its very close to naches, but then again I'm not really 100% sure where naches is, i think if it were close I would probably have dents from there too...
As for the sas, I'm a little lacking in the money department right now(new tires and rims will do that), I recently got my 4wd fixed too and I would feel dumb to go put a SA under it after I had just spent so much on making that work... next summer... I can have money by wanna do it then? :D road trip....

Sure, I still got that tail light. I have chores to do around the house on Saturday, but I thnk I'll be free Sunday. I'll have to check my "honey do" list for the weekend. Maybe I can get my son to go with his Toyota and you can show us around Reiter Pit. I've wanted to get up there for a couple of years now. My sploder been down for over a year so It'll be nice to get it dirty again. My son and I would like to go to Naches too, if we can get the time to go together maybe a couple of Explorers you know can make it too.

Well me and a couple of people are going to reiter on sunday afternoon probably around 3, if you wanted to meet up and then go with us that would be cool... let me know :)

Premier said:
:eek: I never knew a girl could do as much damage as Doug!

Who what?? me? body damage.... nea.... you got me confused with someone else. :p

SnowExploder said:
yeah I seem to like those trees a little too much.
No, I dont think its very close to naches, but then again I'm not really 100% sure where naches is, i think if it were close I would probably have dents from there too...
As for the sas, I'm a little lacking in the money department right now(new tires and rims will do that), I recently got my 4wd fixed too and I would feel dumb to go put a SA under it after I had just spent so much on making that work... next summer... I can have money by wanna do it then? :D road trip....

I'll check the map tomorrow for you. I've got a ton of pics from there too.

Working parts always sell ;). By next summer my shop should be finished including a tube bender and plasma cutter. I'm up for breaking-I mean building stuff anytime. :D

The naches trail is by Mt. Rainier if you look at a map of washington on the NE side of Rainier runs Hwy. 410 if you draw a line going from greenwater to cliffendell that is about how the trail runs. I went over the trail a few weeks ago it took us about 5 hours one way (west to east) and that was non stop almost.
Here is a trip report.

Yes, Mt. Rainer. It was awesome. What part of the trail did you do? It took us five days to run the entire trail, sections at a time.

Sunday afternoon is good. My son and I should be able to make it. Just need a meeting place, CB Channel? I don't know the area so pick someplace easy to find. I know where Goldbar is, but that's about it.

WAExplorer said:
Sunday afternoon is good. My son and I should be able to make it. Just need a meeting place, CB Channel? I don't know the area so pick someplace easy to find. I know where Goldbar is, but that's about it.

How about Gold bar family grocery at 3:00. Does that work for you guys? And how about channel 14...
Just let me know... :)

Looks like I won't make it on Sunday. I will be in Everett on Saturday if you want to pick up the tail light. I'll be at my brother-in-law's by the Everett Mall. I'll PM his number.

Sorry I never called, I dont really go online during the weekends so I didn't get the message... Just let me know when works for you and we can meet up or something...
You shoulda came though, it was good fun... :D

SnowExploder said:
Sorry I never called, I dont really go online during the weekends so I didn't get the message... Just let me know when works for you and we can meet up or something...
You shoulda came though, it was good fun... :D
How far south are you willing to drive? I won't be heading north again for a couple of weeks. I'm willing to meet part way :burnout:
Saturday or Sunday? Auburn? Kent? Renton? Let me know.

New carnage

yup... :rolleyes:










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dreamr said:
Jeez girl :eek:

I was thinking about asking you to show me around the easier parts of Reiter after I get the body lift done, now I might have to re-think that LOL ;)

Yeah, that one on the side of the truck is from this trail I had never been on before, and had I not been following people I wouldn't have gone on it. The front end damage was just from me making a stupid mistake and my spotter not watching what was on my right...
You can have fun at Reiter without your truck looking like mine, I'm just special, the trees love me. :thumbsup:
