Boral Exhaust V8 Problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Boral Exhaust V8 Problem


Well-Known Member
September 6, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Hopewell, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT AWD
I have a 1998 5.0L with a borla cat-back.

The problem that i an having is that the pipe hangs too low where it goes between the frame and the rear leaf, and when the leaf compresses it hits the pipe? I cannot figure out what is wrong? i have tried bending the rear exhaust hanger all types of ways but with no success. I cannnot figure out what is not right. I have tried putting a new ehaust hanger on but it doesn't help.

Has anyone else had this problem?

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Where and why does the pipe go between the frame and the leaf pack? It shouldn't do that. It should stay outside the leaf pack. Do you have some sort of custom setup?

yob, it goes from inside the framerail under it to the outside of the framerail right above the leaf pack.... stock....

for my 94 it took some serious effort to position the rear half of the borla so that it sits high enough. then I connected the two pieces from under the truck. bolted everything to the cat last. thats how I got everything to sit right, don't know if it will help. I remember it pretty well since I just did mine last weekend, and I worked from the rear hanger forward. the only thing is that my sqare tip isnt parallell to the bumper, it annoys me but I dont think anyone else will notice! P.S. I jacked up the rear by the FRAME, that really helps (thanks trav). good luck

Originally posted by jimabena74
yob, it goes from inside the framerail under it to the outside of the framerail right above the leaf pack.... stock....
I'd like to know what moron came up with that design. :rolleyes:


You are right, in 98 the exhaust went about the leafs and which leads to the tendency of "squishing" the actual pipe between the frame and the leaf pack. I ran into this problem especially when I went with duals on my 302 in my Mountaineer. I put "cherry bombs" in it with 18" chomes out the back. If you look, on the left side, there is even less of a gap, seems as though ford cut an indentation in the chassis on the right. I had the right pipe raised as much as possible by welding a new mount to the chassis and when I put the pipe on the left, I had it brought up as much as possible (also had to move some gas lines... boom!) She looks good and sounds like a beast... but clean sounding. I have 31" swampers on her and she has done well... I did have to move the brackets for the exhaust up once but no more pinching. Good Luck, email if you have questions.

Man I know exactly what you are talking about... I had to go to a custom shop and they had to put a little kink in my 3in line... i have not had any problems since.. I even tow a 24' Pursuit that weighs like 8 thousand pounds!!! Try that.... i know you'll hate it cause its stainless but you can go tell the moron who designed it!
