Brake Fluid on Leather Seats | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brake Fluid on Leather Seats

I went to the parts store and threw the contents of what I bought in the back seat...

To make a long story short the brake fluid leaked out onto my leather seats.

I cleaned them with some all purpose automotive wipes, but this strange thick oily residue keeps coming back on the seat. What should I use to completely clean these seats and fix my leather before this stuff eats a giant hole in it?

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try leather reconditioner. it got atf fluid off my seats.

bump :(

Your dicked, nothing will remove brake fluid from tanned leather,JMO

Try a good quality leather cleaner, followed up by a good leather conditioner. It might take a few times with the cleaner.

Take some duct tape and put it over the spot. Then take a marker and color it to match and BAM! The stain is gone.

mechanix said:
Take some duct tape and put it over the spot. Then take a marker and color it to match and BAM! The stain is gone.

haha hilarous - but what makes it worse is people do this.

Goo gone?

Might try pampers baby wipes, kid you not. It amazes me how well it works on leather, full of solvents that are not alcohol based. I usually clean dirty leather with baby wipes, then use Leather Master to clean/condition afterwards.

I was using a product earlier today on some tough spots, Meguiars Carpet Cleaner - it amazed me. Doubt it would work on leather though.
