BRAKES | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Well-Known Member
February 1, 2004
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stockton, california
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 xlt
ok i have recently bled my brakes all the way around fluid otu f all my line everything looks good, but when i start my car i get only a little bit of pressure on the peddle, like i can push it down to stop but driving in the mountains i have to pump my brakes a little bit to ensure a stop, shouldn't the front disc lock up if i slamed on the brakes??

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on your 94, you have 4 wheel antilock brakes (ABS). none of the wheels should lock up. If your driving along, and you slam on the brakes, you should feel pulses in the pedal. thats how you know the antilock brakes are working. But, if your pedal feels spongy, or not working at all, here are some things for you to check:

1)Check all your bleeding ports on all 4 wheels. make sure their not leaking.
2)check your brake lines, make sure none of them are leaking. look for holes, cracks, or any fluid buildups.
3)check your break booster for cracks or leakage. also look for any vacuum hoses that might have come loose.
4)There coud still be air in the brake lines, which you might have to bleed again. thats where a help comes in handy.
5)check the pads all around. they might mbe worn down where there is no pad is touching the rotor. this is bad
6)Check your fluid level in the brake resovor. It should be at the MAX line.

brakes are a pretty simple, but very inportant system. How was the braking before you bled the brakes? if you have to pump the brakes, sounds like any of th above could be the culprit. hope this helps. any further questions, just hollar.

i know for a fact that i have pads up front and rear, i was thinking maybe i have air in the master cylnder?? cause i bled the brakes, ummmm cause i mean i do stop i just have to kinda pump it up a little bit i dunno.......

A question on bleeding abs brakes. Do I do it with the engine running? I would think so because it has power brakes & all the computer stuff, but just checking.

Originally posted by Gonzo
A question on bleeding abs brakes. Do I do it with the engine running? I would think so because it has power brakes & all the computer stuff, but just checking.


well i did mine with the engine off and i still stop but maybe i should try to get my brakes even better with the engine running huh? mine are kinda weird like if its raining my brake pedal will sometimes go all the way down and make a noise but then when i pump hit them again they work ???????????

according to raybestos, engine should be off, and you should start furthest away from the master cylinder.....

also, pumping the breaks in an ABS system does JACK! it wont help you stop any faster, may end up taking longer... if it pulses, then its working.....

so doing it either way with engine off or on dont matter ????

Keep the truck on.. it makes it easier.. The 1st time I did my brakes on my old car, I forgot to turn on the engine and pumped the brakes and put air into my brakes..

how did you let air into them? i thought about it afterwards that is turning the engine on but i said i have already done three out of four wheels!! guess what everybody!!

Either I did it when I went to seat the caliper on the rotor or when my friend pumped the brakes before I had a chance to open the bleeder valve..

You need to keep pumping up the brakes and when you pump them up with the motor off it takes a while for the pedal to go up and down. Theres more of a chance with it going up and down slowly that the pedal will still be traveling when the other guy is opening the bleeder. With the motor on its a fast few pumps a hold and a ok to bleed it! Either way keep doing it until all the air is out. And make sure to keep the pedal down to the floor until the bleeder is closed then let up on the pedal. Bleed the master cylinder too. Keep filling the master cylinder too.If it still doesn't feel right then check further.
Hey Raybestos should know more than I do. I'm just an "old mechanic"! LOL!
BTW: Like Jim said start in the rear then the front side thats furthest away from the Master Cylinder then the last one.
