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Bring - a - Trailer

I worked at a BASF plant that had a part of the operation that couldn’t lose power for more than a few minutes. Their solution, oddly, was a 460 setup for natural gas.

I don’t remember the hours, but most of the run time was during maintenance checks.

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What’s wrong with the 2.3? Lol I find them to be reliable and zippy!

Daughter still loves her 2010 2.3 Ranger. I keep telling her it's time to sell it for a real truck so she can pull the horse trailer without borrowing mine, but she won't sell.

She's coming over today so I can try to diagnose the low speed clunk in the front suspension.

OG Ranger. . .


What's the deal on the 2.0L ? ? ?

Edit: Sold for $5,001.00.

Looks clean!

Aluminum driveshaft? Interesting. Also all that work cleaning and detailing the engine bay and they have a rusty, discolored radiator overflow tank


Not a 4x4. . . unless my eyes deceive me. . .

Clean looking rig, tho...

Oh, man. The little storage cubby behind the back wheel well. And the rear shade. I miss my 1996. It was a great ride.

It's up to $5,200. Just a few years ago they were getting crushed by the tens of thousands in California for the $1,000 Cars for Clunkers program.

It's up to $5,200. Just a few years ago they were getting crushed by the tens of thousands in California for the $1,000 Cars for Clunkers program.
Ow, I'm getting some serious truck envy here. Would be a sweet 3 season ride, register it as a classic here and drive Shamrock in the winter. Wouldn't even mind it being RWD, 160 hp and white! Just the underside is a thing of beauty.

Cash for clunkers was a. $4500 check from the government I believe making them worth more crushed than on the road. They filled the engine blocks with silicon and the parts were crushed the trucks were not parted out. This was a big disaster for us! Rows and rows of perfectly good explorers crushed

Cash for clunkers was a. $4500 check from the government I believe making them worth more crushed than on the road. They filled the engine blocks with silicon and the parts were crushed the trucks were not parted out. This was a big disaster for us! Rows and rows of perfectly good explorers crushed
unless you lived in canada 🤣

Another nice Ranger, only 33K on the odo - - already over $11K in bidding. . .


Probably need to stop browsing the B-a-T site, or some of this stuff may follow me home. . .


Edit: Sold for $19,000.00.

We just picked up a 99 ranger w 120k cleanest ranger I have ever owned it’s like showroom nice but the 3.0 engine lost a head or gasket…. Sweet!!

I have 3 trucks now that would be bat worthy once completed hmmmmmm

Hot off the presses. . . .

. . . realize that phrase won't age well. . .

2003 with 13K on the odo - - a steal currently listed for $2,000.00. Even with the 3.0.


Unfortunately. It's like DvDs. Everyone wants to watch them online, but you're at the mercy of the streaming provider if they decide to cut out your favorite scenes cause someone might find it offensive. Anything printed will remain in It's original unaltered form forever.

That truck up to $4500
W 6 days left and 332 watchers
Too bad it’s a rwd automatic!

Ours is 99 w 120k 5 speed manual 4wd and now a remanufactured engine with new luk clutch, lots of new parts / tires on this beast. I won’t let it go cheap, these do not come around often
Putting a new front bumper on, full detail and then post it up for sale





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Unfortunately. It's like DvDs. Everyone wants to watch them online, but you're at the mercy of the streaming provider if they decide to cut out your favorite scenes cause someone might find it offensive. Anything printed will remain in It's original unaltered form forever.
Agreed. Luckily I’m a Luddite at heart. I’ve kept all my DVDs and CDs and my iPod (yep, iPod!) is loaded with CDs, not streamed or bought music…
