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Broke Lower Valance

I broke it... well.. I didn't... anyways uhm.. I was debating on taking it off completely, the fogs are aged and give barely any light anyways.


Can you guys post pictures of your trucks without it?

Preferably with 31's and minimal lift.

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I would think it would look like this, not too much different.


Well, I had mine on the whole time until the lift. I took the bumper off for the lift, while the bumper was off I took the lower valence off, and then I put the bumper back on. So no shots of it normal height without the valence. Here's a shot normal height with it:


As for taking it off, it's just bolted up to the main part of the bumper. Take out all the nuts and bolts, and it just comes off with no problem. You lose the fog lights though, but mine weren't working and I just bought new ones for the holes on either side of the license plate.

It's not hard to take it off, so just go for it, and if you don't like it you can always put it back on. You'll need to replace it anyway, so i guess it has to come off either way. YOu can re-mount the fogs like I did.

BTW, if you post a picture of your truck from the front, I can do my best to photoshop the lower valence out.

Will do in a moment, hold on.



Piece of crap plastic... lol

What's that extension chord for?

I hope you're kidding.. but at the same time.. I was waiting for someone to ask this question..

In Alaska, and many other places it gets cold.. We have heating pads under the tranny, oil pan, battery, and somewhere else I think. And the engine block heater. Makes it a lot easier to start up in the cold (faster warmups) , a lot easier on your engine also. In Alaska, we can get down to -50, sometimes in rare occasions worse. Well maybe not rare.. haha.. But yea, it can get pretty cold.. our cars don't like it one bit.

For example, anything from 10 to -20.. If I don't have it plugged in (And by that, I mean have had it plugged in for the past 2-3 hours), my auto start refuses to start my truck up, and if it manages to.. it'll idle all over the place and die. (only happened once with the idle problem n dying) If I try and start it by the key, in temps of 10 to -35.. oh boy does it sound bad.. very slow start.. and it'll run 1500rpm until it can warm itself up. But haven't been in a situation yet where it refused to start up at all.

What's that extension chord for?

He lives in Alaska, so I'm guessing an engine block heater. I wondered the same thing too, though, until I thought about it a little

Edit: Dang beat me to it. Guess I was right

Yep. Engine block heater and heating pads. We call it, winterization.. and it can get costly if it's not done already. (which is pretty rare) 200-300, if you don't have a block heater, midus wanted to charge 450.. but that was for a friends durango.. mine came winterized.

I feel so odd with you guys asking about it, every drive way you see in Alaska will have some extension cords laying around.. it's just normal... for us anyways.. are you telling me.. at places in town, don't have plugs for your car?... Man.. this is weird.. kinda funny though.

Being from Southern California, where in most towns it never gets colder than 40*, i've never seen that before, but thanks for the info.

Ha, around here "winterizing" a vehicle just consists of making sure everything is in good shape. Good oil, full fluids, good tires, good wipers, etc. It's more of just a good time of year to do full maintanance.

lol, very weird..

Man.. 40? that's t-shirt n shorts weather.. get some nice sun..

Hell, I've been known to go outside eating icecream in a t-shirt at -20.. -20 isn't too bad.

God.. I want you guys to come up here, it would be pretty amusing.
I had a conversation with a friend recently about driving habits between people up north compared to people down south. Asked, why can we drive so well in winter, on ice and snow.. while a lot of people down south seem to panic.

It's all just so odd...
Anyways, back on topic.. Lower Valance.. you think it'll look alright even with my running boards, doesn't seem to look to bad on the picture you edited. But at the same time.. Something is off, it's uneven and I'm picky as hell.. but then again.. slightly more clearance up front, more of an approach angle and it'll make it look higher =P Those seem better than having an almost worthless piece of plastic holding two lights that aren't any better than a flashlight you'd find in a happymeal.

Something like this.


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I occasionally plug mine in, but only when it is really cold. Where I used to work had plugs by every parking spot.

Not bad looking at all, Hey I need some help though.. and my hands are frozen right now... lol.. god they hurt.. anyways... I'm having trouble getting to all the bolts, and idk.. anyway you could show me where every bolt and clip and plastic button is?..

I'm not having much luck getting this thing off.

Not bad looking at all, Hey I need some help though.. and my hands are frozen right now... lol.. god they hurt.. anyways... I'm having trouble getting to all the bolts, and idk.. anyway you could show me where every bolt and clip and plastic button is?..

I'm not having much luck getting this thing off.

Mine is buried in the basement somewhere with no bolts in it any longer. If I can find it tomorrow I might be able to post a pic of it removed for you and maybe you can see the holes where the bolts were.

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Yeah, that should help.

God I hate not having a garage... laying in some snow... even if I'm on my floor mat from the back seat area... Hahaha... My front right side I drove up onto a cinderblock... Looks kinda cool.. Camera batteries once again died though...

If anyone else could comment, give any tips I would appreciate it.
