Brown wire mod 07 sport trac? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brown wire mod 07 sport trac?


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August 14, 2009
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2014 Explorer Limited 4X4
I just bought a 07 sport trac monday with 26,000 miles on it the orange frost color and I did a search and could not really find anything and was wondering if this could be done to the 07 sport trac, I had it done to my 02 explorer limted 4-door so I was wondering if this possible?

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I have moved this brown wire question over to the Transmission section where the experts are!:D

So confused. What is a brown wire mod?

It allows selectable AWD, in other words disables the automatic engagement of 4WD.

This is on my list to check on as well, but I havent had the time yet. From The research Ive done, i get a definite "maybe" , so I guess one of us will just have to do it to find out.

I finally did the mod, with one slight issue, I have a early build 07 limited with the message center, I bought a 2007 sportrac factory manual and it wasn`t even close to my 4x4 wiring colors and pin locations, so I just traced the wire back to the 4x4 module, the 4x4 clutch wire is Pin1 on the black colored connector, wire color is Gray/brown stripe, I also have a 2009 explorer/mountaineer/sport trac factory wiring manual and the diagrams in that match what i have in my 07 sportrac go figure, anyways this mod works, but when I tested it out on back dirt road with my toggle switch off to break the circuit to the clutch in the transfer case, I get the message Wrench Icon pops up on my message center, which is easy enough to reach over and hit the reset button, I pulled the fuse for the 4x4 module keep the 4x4 automaticlly from kicking in, and every time I would start up my truck I would get the wrench Icon and I would have to reset message every time, this way I still have control and I don`t have to reset the message every time I start the truck up, because the module is getting power back to it, but like said with the circuit broke with the toggle switch you will still get the wrench icon if the system tries to engage the 4x4(just hit the reset button), but with this method u dont have to pull the fuse in the fuse box to get 2wd and you can just flip the switch in the truck and get your 2wd.:D

I finally did the mod, with one slight issue, I have a early build 07 limited with the message center, I bought a 2007 sportrac factory manual and it wasn`t even close to my 4x4 wiring colors and pin locations, so I just traced the wire back to the 4x4 module, the 4x4 clutch wire is Pin1 on the black colored connector, wire color is Gray/brown stripe, I also have a 2009 explorer/mountaineer/sport trac factory wiring manual and the diagrams in that match what i have in my 07 sportrac go figure, anyways this mod works, but when I tested it out on back dirt road with my toggle switch off to break the circuit to the clutch in the transfer case, I get the message Wrench Icon pops up on my message center, which is easy enough to reach over and hit the reset button, I pulled the fuse for the 4x4 module keep the 4x4 automaticlly from kicking in, and every time I would start up my truck I would get the wrench Icon and I would have to reset message every time, this way I still have control and I don`t have to reset the message every time I start the truck up, because the module is getting power back to it, but like said with the circuit broke with the toggle switch you will still get the wrench icon if the system tries to engage the 4x4(just hit the reset button), but with this method u dont have to pull the fuse in the fuse box to get 2wd and you can just flip the switch in the truck and get your 2wd.:D

Whats the easiest access for the wire?
