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Brown wire mod?


April 12, 2011
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Bozeman, MT
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I was wondering what exactly is the brown wire mod and what it does?

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The brown wire mod. makes it so you can shut your 4 wheeldrive off and turn it back on when you want not when the computer tells it to. And you use a regular toggle switch. I did it in my 98 explorer xlt and it worked just make sure you make your connecters tight when you crimp them. I had a problem with them not being tight enough and it wouldnt make good contact and i didnt have any 4 wheel drive. But as for shootin rooster tails and showing off very good decision.

But as for shootin rooster tails and showing off very good decision.

if your going to tell him its a good decision if you want to "shoot rooster tails and show off" at least give him the discloser as well!!!!!:rolleyes:

First, please note that because of the design of our transfer case, our systems are NOT designed to allow unlimited wheel spin. Allowing excessive wheel spin (e.g. roasting tires for a city block or running Control-Trac/BWM-equipped vehicles on a 2 wheel drive dynomometer) forces the transfer case clutch to slip. Excessive slipping causes a tremendous amount of shearing of the transmission fluid used in our transfer cases. This can result in burning of the clutches as well as the transfer case lubricating oil and is NOT recommended.

00MTEDDIE, here is the link (im sure you seen it since you know about the mod).... it explains in the very first post, what exactly it does...

This mod is really pretty much pointless. You're still turning the front drivetrain everywhere you go, due to the "live" front axle. All you are doing is disabling a useful function. (sort of a poor man's traction control); and you'll get a nice glowing yellow dash warning light for your trouble.

Now, if you swapped to the appropriate Ranger parts, and used the manual hubs, intended to replace the stock Ranger PVM "auto" hubs, then you could have true 2wd; and the BWM mod would be useful to stop the transfer case from engaging. Although you might still have the "fluid shear"/overheat issue. The front half of the drivetrain would be "free", but it would still present some resistance to turning, thereby still potentially heating up the t-case fluid. I think. Opinions on that????

Oh and "shooting rooster tails and showing off" is nowhere near a good reason to do this. In fact, if that is your intention, save yourself some embarrassment (and hopefully LOTS and LOTS of tickets), and save the rest of the world from your stupidity, and just don't do it.

Some second gen. Explorers had no 2wd setting. They only had a 4auto setting which would automatically engage the front wheels if slipping of the rear wheels is detected. Some people don't like this as it can add to the wear of the 4wd system and so on. Plus it really hurts your ability to do donuts in the snow. :D The Brown Wire Mod gives you the ability to have a true 2wd where the front wheels will not engage when the rear wheels slip through a switch that is installed.

But you still don't have "true 2wd" with this mod since the axles still live, you just won't have the transfer case sending power to the front when it senses a "slip" in the rear wheel to help keep it from losing traction.

I remember back in the late 90's while working at the Ford dealer we had a brand new Explorer that we sold and they had the parts guys order a 4x4 disengage switch so he could tow the Explorer behind his motor home.

From what I remember the tech saying it was a pretty simple install and I'm guessing it was something along the lines of the brown wire mod...Any input on this?

I just wish I remembered more about this or checked it out closer, seems like a good idea and being offered as a Ford part makes me think Ford was OK with it.

Because there is no Neutral on the switch, just 4auto, 4hi and 4low, it can't be towed with the front or rear wheels off the ground without possibly damaging the vehicle. They can only be flat towed or put on a trailer/flatbed, or else the front driveshaft would need to be removed

I remember back in the late 90's while working at the Ford dealer we had a brand new Explorer that we sold and they had the parts guys order a 4x4 disengage switch so he could tow the Explorer behind his motor home.

From what I remember the tech saying it was a pretty simple install and I'm guessing it was something along the lines of the brown wire mod...Any input on this?

I just wish I remembered more about this or checked it out closer, seems like a good idea and being offered as a Ford part makes me think Ford was OK with it.

This was a neutral tow kit to allow the vehicle to be flat towed

Great info, trying tonight!

I'm considering doing this just because with my 33" Mudders (which will be swapped for all-terrains in a couple weeks) when I go to try to pick up speed passing a car or getting on the freeway or going up a hill it engages my 4-wheel drive and has almost caused 2 accidents because of the pull on the tires at 65-70 mph

I did the brown wire mod about three years ago. At the time, my 4x4 dash light kept flashing every couple of minutes. I did the brown wire mod and the when in 2wd the lights didn't flash anymore. The real problem was my GEM computer and TOD relay. The GEM normally has to be recomputed by a Ford dealer (I installed a used GEM). The reprogramming is a key element when switching the GEM (@$200 in my area and only Ford dealers can reprogram). I got used to selecting 4x4 when I needed it and stayed with the Brown wire switch. I've never had any problems.

Thanks guys. I like all the info. Now my decision is to not do the brown wire mod. My eddie has to last me a while and i just dont wanna do something that sounds like it will cause more problems down the road.

Thanks for the info!!!!
