brush guard for a mountaineer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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brush guard for a mountaineer


December 29, 2007
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 Mountaineer
searched around for a while couldn't find one or any info. Anyone know if an explorer brush guard would fit on a mountaineer? looking for a chrome one if anyone knows where to get one.

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my safari bar is off a explorer but i wanna get brush gaurd in place of it. my only issue i can see is that the push bar mounts where the tow hooks come out on the explorer so you would have to cut your front bumper of your mounty. i always looked around for a explorer with a brush gaurd so i could see if i would have to cut just the black lip or the actual bumper

can anyone else tell where the mountaineer guard bolts onto the frame and such so i can get an idea of modification required... and since the mounty headlights are bigger you guys think it would look right?

yeah theres one on ebay thats not bad but it has black rubber bumper guard thing on it... not a huge fan. Anyone ever find out whether it would mount up right if i cut into the bumper some?

They definatly sell them for mountaineers. When I was buying my explorer I looked at a mountaineer at a dealer that had one and it fit perfectly.

thats so frusterating ive been looking everywhere for one JUST LIKE THAT (SS or chrome if possible) but i cant find them ANYWHERE help would be appreciated guys. Thanks

been searching for a long time, the one in the pic is made by "polar bear" and is 750 bucks... and black (not stainless)
found one more thats a little cheaper but once again its powdercoated black.

search for a SS one continues

can you throw up the links for the other push bars for the mountaineer. i'm looking for a black one

Go Rhino has some - i've been happy with my push bumper from them - pushed my CJ back into the garage :)
