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Bumper Experiments


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
December 16, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Greer, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 SAS'd Sport Trac
I've done some looking around at old posts and really like the way John Rock's Trac and txplate's old traces looked with their front bumper covers trimmed. I want to do the same but not really sure where to mount the fog lights after. Here's a picture of mine with the cover removed when i was painting for reference. Any ideas are welcome.

The thought is to cut it just to the top of the bumper and then trim the bumper a bit so its flat across the bottom. (You can see the crease on the outside of the fogs)

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IMO, foglights are pretty much useless, especially in fog :scratch:. So if I were you, I'd just get rid of em.

If you're gonna do that to your bumper/ bumper cover then I'd make a mounting bracket for them to be mounted behind the grille.

IIRC, they both had the fog lights moved up and in alittle from the original place. Check out pictures of their Trac's again. I'd put them behind the grille though, JMO.

I use them all the time. I havent replaced the bulbs yet but its definitely brighter up front on backroads at night which is 75% of my driving.

I use my fog lights all the time along with my heeadlights. They help out alot with driving in all types of weather, day or night. Along with having better visibilty with them on, other drivers can see your vehicle better thus reducing the chances of an accident.

I used to do insurance claims for ten different companies and 60% of the accidents yearly could have been avoided had the other vehicle (usually the person that hit someone else) been able to see the other vehicle. Their's a reason they put lights (marker or headlight/ taillights) on vehicles. Daytime were invented for just this reason but are the worst thing ever because people drive around with them on and nothing else.

So the real reason comes out about your led's... They weren't to look awesome like they do at all lol

i say keep the foglights, or at least the wiring, and you can at least use them to relocate some aux lights, like behind the grill as rebel mentioned. have you thought about fabbing a simple bumper? dont know if you have the resources or knowhow for that, but i always thought that would be a cool idea for a sport track. you dont see too many tracs with custom bumpers.

I really like the stock bumper on the tracs. That and I have very little experience in metalworking and no welding skills. Hoping to change that this summer. And good call with the aux lights. I didnt even consider that.

This spring I plan on removing the stock bumper/ cover to take measurements for building my steel front bumper. Gonna do a SAS, SOA and they have bumper height laws here so I'll need to take that into the design factors too. Check out YouTube for videos on the new and improved Harbor Freight Chicago "black" 90 amp flux core welder, the guy did a side by side Bead with this and a Lincoln 141 iirc and had the same exact bead. I just picked mine up for $89 and a all black auto dimming helmet for $35, their was coupons for both in the new MiniTruckin' magazine.
