Buying 2004 4x4 XLT Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Buying 2004 4x4 XLT Explorer


Active Member
November 15, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Bloomfield Hills, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'05 S4, '04 Explorer
I am likely buying an 04 4x4 xlt explorer. The sticker on the thing at the lot is 14k they have it listed online for 11.5k and are happy selling for that price. The thing is a v6 4x4 with leather 6 disc, moonroof 3rd row seating pretty well loaded. Only has 41,767 miles on it. This seems like a great price to me so I am probably going to buy it. After a short period of time this will likely become my wifes car since I am only looking becaue my cougar just sheared a shift tower bolt in the trans and I ahve to repair that and need a daily driver while she is laid up again. And the wife wants to sell her blazer and get something nicer (which I support fully as the 2002 blazers her and her sister got from their parents a flaming piles of dog crap and I am the one who does all the work to keep them from falling apart driving down the road.

My question is, is there anything specific I should look for when I go look it voer tonight or any common problems that I should do some extra preventative maintenance on? I have been told the rear rod ends and wheel bearings go bad pretty often and that if you don't rotate the tires they will wear pretty fast on these things. Anything else I should look for? I had a 98 sport doch v6 that I blew the tranny in last winter and sold of as I didn't want to replace it in the snow. Do these newer ones have better transmissions than the older ones? Did they finally remedy the problem of them popping often? If they still go bad easy should I flush it now as it only have 42k on it and try to extend the life of the trans?

Thanks for any help.

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I drove my ex-girlfriends 04 XLT 4.0 like it was a stunt vehicle! never a problem. I have heard of a few minor issues, but nothing to stop you from buying it. Just keep up the preventative maintenance, and you'll be fine! congrats!

No major problems on my '04 - ABS sensor is about it. In '04 there was a transmission recall as they filled the 5-speeds with the wrong fluid at the factory. They put in an additive to fix the fluid and they also re-flashed it. Haven’t had any problems with trans however. Because of the recall I plan on swapping the fluid and filter. Not cheap but I think it going to be worth it in the long run as I keep my trucks over 10years and 100k if possible.

No major problems on my '04 - ABS sensor is about it. In '04 there was a transmission recall as they filled the 5-speeds with the wrong fluid at the factory. They put in an additive to fix the fluid and they also re-flashed it. Haven’t had any problems with trans however. Because of the recall I plan on swapping the fluid and filter. Not cheap but I think it going to be worth it in the long run as I keep my trucks over 10years and 100k if possible.

How many miles on yours?

Also I see you are in BHam, I live right near opedyke and square lake in bloomfield. The car I am looking at is actually at Birmingham Chrysler Jeep.

I went and test drove the car today. It was nice, I wasn't overly impressed but didn't find a thing wrong with the car. The only reason I didn't start moving forward on it today is that it isn't going to be my car in the end so I am in no rush. The wife is really pushing me to think we should get this so I wouldn't be suprised if by the end of tomorrow I own this explorer.

Sounds like a great deal. I paid a bit more for my 04 this passed August. Mine had 26k on it. I would have it carfaxed to check for accident. I love mine!

How many miles on yours?
Also I see you are in BHam, I live right near opedyke and square lake in bloomfield. The car I am looking at is actually at Birmingham Chrysler Jeep.

Cool, i'm at woodward and 14 1/2. I have owned jeeps for the past 12 years and I take my jeeps to those guys. We have 36k mi on the clock, got it used off the b-lot with 6k. it’s been great so far. The '04s are worlds better than the older models; other than reading about some isolated issues they have been relatively free of problems, helps being in third year of production. Happy to answer any question for you, also too, now is the time to buy used, things are really depressed around here, also with end of the year coming dealers will want to empty the lots before year end, you might not find that deal later if you know what I mean . . .

Well I gave them the deposit today and will be picking the car up wednesday or thursday next week. I think I will be pretty happy with this thing evening if it isn't my daily driver.

Well since my wife has had a history of slight problems of bumping people in traffic about once every year or two I am thinking I would like to put one of the loop brush gaurds on. Anyone know if anyone makes a Grey painted to match the body lower half brush guard? I just want the one that is a half loop up from under the bumper and barely passes the top of the bumper. I knwo I can get a chrome one or black one but would like to gind a grey one if I can.

Pick her up tomorrow.

Anyone in need of a 2002 blazer 2 door 2wd with 85k miles? She is for sale now so I can pickup a 944 turbo in the spring.

Congrats! keep us posted. No idea on the brush gards.

picked it up tonight and so far we are very happy. My wife has decided this car was fate to be hers. It has all the features she wanted (leather, heated seats, remote start and moonroof) then when we leave the dealership tonight I am tinkering a little while sitting at the first stoplight and realize it has adjustable pedals, this is great as I am about 6 foot and the wife is about 5 foot 1 so I can drive anything but she has to hug the wheel in a lot fo cars to reach the pedals usually.
