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Bye Bye Running Boards

So I was pretty bored yesterday and decided to take off my running boreds lots more mods soon.




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Looks good. I think i can see some frame that looks either extremly dusty or, god forgive, rusty. I would personally take the time to clean that up and spray with flat black and some truck bed liner. Thats just me though. What are your plans for the X? Are you lifting it?

Unless you are going up, I would leave them on, you see too much under the truck, and all the holes that held the stpe on are now exposed, I went lower so the steps just increase the low look,

Personally I like the steps on you X

i personally like them better on . I searched high and low to find the ones i have, luckily i did

I took one of mine off and the holes behind it look horrible. The boards aren't attached to the holes, so I don't know why I have them. I can't really tell from your pics, but do you have holes where the boards used to be?

I personally like the look of mine.

yah im going up... since i live in the desert im going for full on prerunner. all the buzz words. and yes i do have the holes. and no my frames not rust just really dusty from all the desert

I personally like them better off. If they aren't sliders, I personally wouldn't want any type of steps. Are you 2wd or 4wd? You planning on fiberglass front fenders to help with the prerunner look?

bmxking5 said:
I personally like them better off. If they aren't sliders, I personally wouldn't want any type of steps. Are you 2wd or 4wd? You planning on fiberglass front fenders to help with the prerunner look?

yah although that will proabably be one of that later mods first suspension and tires then some fenders.

i always like them better without the steps. i took mine off a few months ago. you can't see any holes, and it looks higher without them. plus i'm tall and never even used them and they were all rusty haha.

good luck with the modding

mcG said:
never even used them and they were all rusty haha.

they are plastic? aren't they

i like them better off except for the fact that there are all those little holes where the running boards would i put mine back on

I hate running boards, so good mod! lol :thumbsup:

especially since you're going prerunner, they would do you no good except getting the joy of seeing them ripped off. :D

be cool to see another prerunner explorer, are you 2wd or 4x4? and also who is gonna build the truck?

nah bro u killed it sorry but it really looks terrible put them back on =[

always wondered what mine would look like if i took mine off, thanks for helping me decide :D

I took mine off a few weeks ago to see how it would look , and the part in front of the rear wheel well crumbled to pieces like a rust flavored cookie. That sucked, considering the truck has no rust anywhere else. A buddy of mine has that whole plastic running board/side skirt/rubbermaid container thingy going on the side of his, and you can see the rust bubbling up over. I can only guess what is hiding under there...

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they look better on in my opinion... they cover your frame and the frame is not pretty..... i took mine off but my frame dosnt show
