Camber Kit?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Camber Kit??


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2004
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Washington DC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Sport
Ok, other than explorer express, where can I get a camber kit for my 01 explorer sport 2WD? I ask because I think I can get a similar result as the EE kit, but for a cheaper price(except possibly the sway bar). I'd be interested to hear your comments or concerns on this. Has anyone done something similar?

Thanks in advance.


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Camber kit? I had to get one for my X as i did the torsion flip, got it from NAPA, i think somewhere between 20-40 bucks...i forgot.

Seemed to do the trick, got me nice and aligned.

I think I seen them on e-bay

you can get them from any autoparts store.. i would lean closer to the real auto parts stores though, places like kragens and pep boys dont know their stuff well enough to figure out what you need although they do have them or can get them easily

You need 2 adjuster kits from NAPA. I forgot the part number, but they cost $14.29 each. Do a search and you'll find where someone has posted the part number. For the swaybar, just get the EE one. It's the best one available right now, unless you get lucky and find a used Saleen one somewhere.


Make sure you get one that gives you the most camber adjustment. When I got mine done, the shop put one that could only give me a correction of 1 degree. I didn't know any better so I supposed that is all I could have. A year later I found a better shop that knows their **** better.

then that brings me to another question, how far will my camber be off after a 2 or 3" front drop (planning on 3" rear)?

Can't really tell for sure as each truck is different. You should be good with 2-degree Camber Kit with 2-inch drop. Don't buy that 3" rear block just yet. If you ended up with only 2" drop up front your truck will be tilting up. I'm sure its not the look you are looking for. :)
