Camshaft Position Sensor- CMP video | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Camshaft Position Sensor- CMP video


DIY stunt double
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Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
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Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty

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Those type sensors usually go in-place of where the distrubutor would be. If you take that cover off you will see a hall-effect type sensor, and usually what happens is the insides will get too much play in it and start to tear apart the inside of it giving a bad reading. It can also give you a squeek.


ps- maybe next time get someone to hold the video camera so you can hold it and spin it ;) Still a good video

I just thought that since there is ao much confusion about this part, It would make a good sticky for reference, It is a misunderstood piece

They make a lot of specialty tools. This one looks pretty unique:

It's called the OTC Ford Cam Sensor Synch Tool OTC-6469.

BrooklynBay said:
This one called the OTC Ford Cam Sensor Synch Tool OTC-6474 looks very much like a plain bar:

this is for cam alignment tool for (dohc) mystique-contour. You sluide this into a groove in each cam, then tighten sprockets.

BrooklynBay said:
This one is a master set which has everything:

It's called the OTC Ford Master Cam Tool Set OTC-6489.

Funny, this is a tool that gets used 1 time by most people.
Although that whole set is pretty sexy

BrooklynBay said:
This one called the OTC Ford Cam Sensor Synch Tool OTC-6474 looks very much like a plain bar:
ha ha ha I just remembered that tool because I had to do a head gasket on wifes Mystake, That tool is no more than 11" piece of 1/4"
steel, locks cams in place. I knew I had been ripped when I found the identical "tool" in a scrap bucket in my garage lol

GAR... why couldnt this have been posted 2 months earlier. :(

what happened?

jtsmith said:
ha ha ha I just remembered that tool because I had to do a head gasket on wifes Mystake, That tool is no more than 11" piece of 1/4"
steel, locks cams in place. I knew I had been ripped when I found the identical "tool" in a scrap bucket in my garage lol
Its the same "tool" for the Focus Zetec and Duratec engines which are also DOHC.

Jefe have you had the head off your Focus??

410Fortune said:
Jefe have you had the head off your Focus??
Head, no. Cams, soon. ;) Valve cover, yes, to replace the valve cover gasket that is a common problem for the Zetec. There's just no stopping me from tinkering, even on a car that is under warranty. :confused: I don't know why I even bothered with the extended warranty, I'd rather do the work myself. :rolleyes:

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