Can you swap to manual t case | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can you swap to manual t case


Elite Explorer
September 2, 2018
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2000 ford explorer 94 xlt
Okay so keep in mind this is not a 4406 tc swap question for a v8. I know about that, and if I find a v8 boy oh boy! No I'm asking if you can possibly take a manual t case out later ranger and swap into a v6 sohc with a 5r55e. Main reason, well don't get me wrong my transfer case works fine, and I know I can do the brown wire mode to get 2wd. But I would much prefer a separate selection right up front like Navi and Expi's.

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iirc you can do a BW1354 swap... i think the 1354e electronics are different, but it will bokt up... not 100% sure about the 1354M, because afaik theres not many electronics to it... i think Dominicanx has done it... and i think he had the 1354e converted to 1354m

iirc you can do a BW1354 swap... i think the 1354e electronics are different, but it will bokt up... not 100% sure about the 1354M, because afaik theres not many electronics to it... i think Dominicanx has done it... and i think he had the 1354e converted to 1354m
Thanks I didn't know if that t case would work due to it being behind the aod.

1354s came in the first gen explorers.

wait does that mean it cant be done in the 2nd gen? i could've sworn dominicanx had a 2nd gen...


I put a manual shift 1354 in my buddies 2000 4.0 5r55e truck. Had to make a custom shifter to clear the center console and body lift but works great. He is using the 1st gen style double cardon front shaft as well

And rangers until 97 and then again 01-03 fx4 level 2

And rangers until 97 and then again 01-03 fx4 level 2
Well maybe I'll try to find one the next time a go over to the yard. First off I got to figure out this 5r55 slippy problems and address them.

They are still a needle in a haystack though, expect to look and be disappointed until you do find one.

Yes you can swap in a manual 1354
I sell them for $600-800 these days with linkage
1990-97 rangers and later Fx2 as stated above
91-94 explorer

I grab every single one I can get my hands on at the junk yards, Craigslist, Facebook, etc
These days they are
Like gold!!

Your gem module will not be happy when you remove the control trac t case will result in flashing 4x4 lights but that is easily defeated by cutting the 4hi and 4 low indicator wires at the gem module and routing them to the new t case

A very good idea!!! The 1354m rules

Yes you can swap in a manual 1354
I sell them for $600-800 these days with linkage
1990-97 rangers and later Fx2 as stated above
91-94 explorer

I grab every single one I can get my hands on at the junk yards, Craigslist, Facebook, etc
These days they are
Like gold!!

Your gem module will not be happy when you remove the control trac t case will result in flashing 4x4 lights but that is easily defeated by cutting the 4hi and 4 low indicator wires at the gem module and routing them to the new t case

A very good idea!!! The 1354m rules
How much for the linkage,

I only have t cases w linkage, no extra shifters
However my step son might have an extra set of linkage, I will see him later today and ask

I only have t cases w linkage, no extra shifters
However my step son might have an extra set of linkage, I will see him later today and ask
Ok thanks

I put a manual shift 1354 in my buddies 2000 4.0 5r55e truck. Had to make a custom shifter to clear the center console and body lift but works great. He is using the 1st gen style double cardon front shaft as well
What modifications did you do with the shifter to make it clear the center console?

The shifter comes up the side of the center console there is room for both
