Can't figure out my engine trouble | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can't figure out my engine trouble


New Member
July 28, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Ithaca NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XLT
I need a little help and or advice... I have a 1998 Ford XLT AWD Explorer the check engine light was on and the code read P1309 cam shaft position sensor. We replaced the sensor cleared the code and started her up the light immediately came back on with an additional Miss fire on cylinder A code. So we did a tune up and thought maybe we got a faulty sensor and took it back and got another one. Still the code came back. The explorer ran fine! It didn't skip didn't have trouble starting it ran like there was nothing wrong with it. I ran it like this for 2-3 months thinking that if it’s something else we will figure it out. Then one day I was driving it and it started running on like 4-6 out of the 8 cylinders. Replaced the wires didn't help replaced the coil packs didn't help replaced the ECM made it worse. We tried to take it to a friend’s garage and all a sudden it started getting HOT this had never happed before. We turned around and took it home now we don't know what to think.... Is it the motor is she cooked there is no anti-freeze smell she doesn't smoke it just runs like Poop. If anyone can help I would really appreciate it!

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Did you replace the sensor following the procedure, using the alignment tool?
Who did the actual replacement?

Sounds to me like it was installed wrong.

tool history and question

After we put the 1st one on I did a little research and I saw mentioned a tool. I told my Husband and he checked with a couple local repair shops and they told him they never heard of such a tool they just go on one way. So I called Auto Zone and Advanced to see if they had a loaner tool and both places acted like I was crazy. I wanted a couple days and call both places again and finally talked to someone who said it was a dealer item only. I called the local ford store and the mechanic I got sounded like an idiot and again told me that there is only one way to put them on and he didn't know of a tool, so we put the 2nd one on and that’s when we got the same code. Can you tell me where I can buy the tool? Is it called a cam shaft aliment tool? Thank you so much for your help!
