Car tires - What do you guys know? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Car tires - What do you guys know?


January 29, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Philadelphia, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mountie
ok so heres the breakdown.

my brother has 16" american racing wheels on his beater and wants to trade for the stock 15s on my mountaineer. my dad has some tires at home never used for a 1992 buick skylark GS. anywho... can i use these tires or would this just be asking for trouble. i know the mountaineer is WAY heavier than the skylark so the load rating is most likely going to be low on the tires.

i have no idea what the tires are but hes not cheap when he buys tires. what do you guys think?

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it depends if the tire on the buick has a 16"rim
but i would take the rims and get some nice tires!

it depends if the tire on the buick has a 16"rim
but i would take the rims and get some nice tires!

yeah they are tires for a 16" rim. just wondering about the load rating and stuff like that. i dont tow anything so im not worried about that... just the fact that the mountie is like twice as heavy as that car.

Besides the tire being too small, if it is a plus two size for the Skylark, the load rating for a tire that small is not even close to what should be on an Explorer.

Right? :scratch:

205-55-16 is slightly smaller than the OEM size on my g/f's 05 Accord LXSE coupe...

uummm the skylark is a gm bolt pattern do they even have the same 5x4.5" like the X/Mounty/Ranger

Hmm speed rating is what you should be thinking about, if you tear it up in the big bruiser you will need tires that are at least stock spec.
check with a local dealer and see what speed rating is recomended or the handbook.

is there such a thing as a load rating for rims? I MEAN, what other rims would fit our expy's? Cobra rims ok?

and on another note, what other makers rims fit? say Range rover rims...?

I know Jeep rims fit....

uummm the skylark is a gm bolt pattern do they even have the same 5x4.5" like the X/Mounty/Ranger

is there such a thing as a load rating for rims? I MEAN, what other rims would fit our expy's? Cobra rims ok?

and on another note, what other makers rims fit? say Range rover rims...?

I know Jeep rims fit....

in the original post i was wondering about tires... not the rims. im not worried about the rims since they are coming off a ranger and before that they were on an eX.

im not even dead set on the tires. im lowering the mountie this weekend and considered giving it a shot. the tires are probably going on the wheels anyway for my brothers ranger and if they dont look retarded on my lowered mountie... he might want to trade. but if they look dumb ill wait til i need tires and get em put on those wheels

check tire rack for the range rover size phoenix it has to 5x4.5 or 5x114.3 for it to fit

is there such a thing as a load rating for rims?

Yes. The wheel is just as if not more responsable than the tires for holding the weight of a vehicle.
