Cash for Clunkers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cash for Clunkers


December 18, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2009 Ranger XLT Ext Cab
Well, I did it! I used the Obama bucks to trade my old friend (1991 Explorer Sport) for a 2009 Ford Ranger XLT 4X2. The deal went well, the dealer took $1500 off sticker, then the $4500 "cash for clunkers", then a $4000 factory rebate - I just could not say no.

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...I have mixed feelings on this but this is probably the best story I have heard so far...:scratch:..Trade in an X for a Ranger???

...Welcome to your new Ranger and be sure to post some pics, add a "Ranger Registry" and enjoy...:biggthump

So that's like what, 50 percent off?
Posted via Mobile Device

I hate to nit-pick but everything is yours and mine - bridges, roads, the military, schools, and so on.
Posted via Mobile Device

I hate to nit-pick, but they're actually your and my taxpayer bucks.

I agree. That is our tax dollars that we - the people - will be paying back for the next 20+ years.


What was the price that you paid in the end? Don't forget to update your vehicle information in your profile.

Sticker $20,300
less dealer discount $1,503
less CFC $4,500
Less Ford Rebate $4,000
Equals $10,297

PLUS CA BS taxes, fees and tags $1,733

Out the door $12,030

2009 Ranger XLT extended cab, power options group, rear jump seats and factory bed liner - other than that-stock.

pics to come soon

I'd rather help someone buy a vehicle than buy more bombs and weapons..

I'd rather help someone buy a vehicle than buy more bombs and weapons..

This statement makes absolutely no sense.

But, seeing as the explanation will get way out of the scope of this forum, maybe we should just leave it be.

This statement makes absolutely no sense.

But, seeing as the explanation will get way out of the scope of this forum, maybe we should just leave it be.
Fundamentally, making a claim that the statement "makes absolutely no sense" disagrees with "leav[ing] it be" :p:

I'm surprised they let you buy a Ranger with it..I thought these big bad trucks and SUV's was what they wanted to get rid of, and make us all drive econoboxes..
