Cataclean. Anyone used it? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cataclean. Anyone used it?


Well-Known Member
February 24, 2014
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City, State
Las Vegas/Henderson NV
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 EB Explorer 4x4
I have a 96 EB Explorer 133K miles, 4.0 OHV, Auto, 4x4. I get a PO420 code 2-3 days after clearing codes. O2's were said to be replace not long before buying it last month. Just registered it and have a year to work with. I figure the Cat assembly is going to need replacement. I work selling commercial auto parts so I can get a good deal on a Walker direct fit cat assembly for under $300 or off ebay for around $200.
Anyway, I can get Cataclean for a really good price. Anyone have any experience using this? I figure a couple of bottles for less than $25 can't hurt.

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If the precious metals are wore off or destroyed the cat is done.
Cheaper cats will have less of those metals in it also.

Cataclean, really nothing more then cleaver marketing.

sounds like more snake oil to me.

no experiences but plenty of opinion. I'm gonna use it either way. Can't hurt and $25 is cheap. I actually get 1 bottle for only $12. Kind of like FI cleaner. Does it really work or..?????
Like I said, gonna replace the cats anyway next year.

It does not work. A p0420 is an efficiency code, which means that the rare metals are no longer there or the entire honey comb is no longer in place. No chemical can fix that.

All I can say is I haven't gotten a P0420 code since I used it. Been a couple of years now.
