catalytic converter pipe size | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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catalytic converter pipe size


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August 3, 2012
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I want to add a wideband to my 2004 explorer 4.0
but it is difficult to get a bung weld in here where I live
so I am going use a { No Weld O2 Sensor bung }
right before the catalytic converter but I do not know the pipe size
can some one help me out here ?

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NO answer ?
Nobody knows the pipe size ?

I am gonna start in the am to pull my transmission. I will do my best to get you some measurements when i pull the exhaust in the am.

I would also consider putting the bung after the 2 exhaust pipes merge, that way you get the combination of the exhaust gasses instead of just 1 bank. Another option is to put wideband o2s in both sides.

2.25 inches

I am gonna start in the am to pull my transmission. I will do my best to get you some measurements when i pull the exhaust in the am.

I would also consider putting the bung after the 2 exhaust pipes merge, that way you get the combination of the exhaust gasses instead of just 1 bank. Another option is to put wideband o2s in both sides.

ok I am waiting
and thanks for the advice

The title of the thread is "catalytic converter pipe size" and that is what you asked about. It is 2.25 inches. Are you now asking about the exhaust pipe size?

The title of the thread is "catalytic converter pipe size" and that is what you asked about. It is 2.25 inches. Are you now asking about the exhaust pipe size?

the reason I said so is
just by looking on catalytic converter pipe
and compare it with the exhaust pipe
just by look , it look a little smaller to me

Old thread but I'm curious. Where the 2 pipes come together in the y pipe it's definitely bigger than 2.25 inch before entering the cat, anyone know what size that is? It's a 2002 4.0l

Old thread but I'm curious. Where the 2 pipes come together in the y pipe it's
definitely bigger than 2.25 inch before entering the cat, anyone know what size that is? It's a 2002 4.0l

2004 4.0L, still 3rd. gen., measured mine with an outside caliper: Cat length 13 inches. Cat inlet diam. 2.0 inches. Cat outlet diam. 2.25 inches. Your question regarding the pipe diam. AFTER it wyes into one I can't answer, but yes, it's bigger than 2.25 inches. BTW, that big thing that pipe dumps into is not a cat; it's a muffler.

Why did I measure them? Wanting to replace them. imp
