Cats are gone!!!!! | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cats are gone!!!!!

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But this is the ting we in the US can only do so much. Even if ever car in the US would pass Cai emissions. Place like India would still be messing it up. Its a global thing not just local. I do think it's kinda dume to chose a lil better sound over a cat. hell i bet with a cat and a better muffle it would sound way better and still keep the emissions down. I just think we need to worry more about how other country take there emission control and not worry about a lil thing like 1 guy taking his cats off.

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Can we just agree that cats are required and should be left on and leave it at that? I mean c'mon, all this talking is not going to give us much time to sit back and enjoy the lemonade guys and gals..

You got lemonade can i have some?

Of course you can!!

But this is the ting we in the US can only do so much. Even if ever car in the US would pass Cai emissions. Place like India would still be messing it up. Its a global thing not just local. I do think it's kinda dume to chose a lil better sound over a cat. hell i bet with a cat and a better muffle it would sound way better and still keep the emissions down. I just think we need to worry more about how other country take there emission control and not worry about a lil thing like 1 guy taking his cats off.

You are right, but as individuals here in America we just can't do anything about countries like India. This thread, however, was discussing a topic here in America, where we have laws and regulations. Since we cant do anything about that we should focus on what we can do here in the US.

One guy taking off his cat....2 on and so forth if every guy did it, it would create a very large problem, here, where we live. That is why several people are voicing their opinions about it, including me.

lol i knew all this rambling was coming.......So who is mad at me for not having cats??? On my 70 EL Camino SS :p: seriously though people

Hero to Zero in 24 posts, must be some form of record, apart from reading lots of **** on the net and parroting it at every opportunnity do any of you seppo's actually know anything, what about the tonnes of paladium being dumped from cat convertors onto your streets then washed into your waterways every time it rains, but I guess that is legal so its cool, IDIOTS

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lol i knew all this rambling was coming.......So who is mad at me for not having cats??? On my 70 EL Camino SS :p: seriously though people

depends of if u have a mullet to go with it lol jk beat it hauls ass.

I did have a rat tail when i was young and my dad had an El so it just worked lol

IF you burn 1/2 as much gas the emissions will be about 1/2 b/c the lil car have cats 2 but burns a lot less gas. India is one that come to mind. India does not yet have across the board emissions regulations, they only sat down to talk about making them mandatory in October 2007 and it's supposed to take effect for various vehicles over the next 2 years.

In not trying to start a fight. Just saying that removing a cat is not the worst thing you can do. If some one suped up a SUV got 10 mpg but was jacked up and all that stuff and still had the cat's on would get have worse emissions then his car with just the cats off and no one would say anything.

having something that gets 10mpg doesnt matter... its still emitting CO2 and other harmless things... ur cat converter rids ur exhaust of carbon monoxide (deadly) and nitrocarbons (not as deadly but harmful)... im sure there r more emissions than just that but thats the main thing the cats r there to get rid of

Yeah cats are good i would keep them on. I know i don't have any on my camaro now but i bought it that way... I plan on putting one on in the summer when i get i back on the road. Besides i dont think there is much of a difference in performance if you use a high flow cat.

Why don't we just let this one die in peace......:p:

Just wanted to add one more thing before I relock this

When, I first read the title of this thread, I immediately thought of the post I made a few weeks ago.

Watch out for your cats, those metals in them are very rare and thieves are getting about $200.00 per cat they sell

Now to lock this thread again

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