CEL Codes are giving me problems... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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CEL Codes are giving me problems...


Active Member
January 31, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Oceanside, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
Hey guys. I have codes P1131 and P1152 showing up on my OBD reader. I just replaced my cats because they had gone bad so I was wondering if my old cats caused an oxygen sensor to go bad. As in would it be possible for it to have clogged up a sensor so that I would get these codes? Other than that does anyone have any suggestions on what to do here? I also just replaced my DPFE sensor because it had gone bad. Thanks in advance!

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Is the wiring correct? You can check the sensors with a ohm meter.

Is the wiring correct? You can check the sensors with a ohm meter.

I'm pretty sure the wiring is correct. How exactly would I check the wires? I have an OHM meter.

I'm thinking that if you had a bad cat then the high heat could cause one to burn up. I don't have my manuals handy but if you get repair manual there is a lengthily explanation about o2 sensors. Maybe there is a thread on just that in this forum.

Ok thanks a lot. I'll try and figure it out and keep everyone posted.
