cel light comes off and on. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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cel light comes off and on.


Well-Known Member
March 8, 2009
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City, State
Marina, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 explorer 157k miles
i havent ran the code yet. but the cel light comes on and off on the explorer rans fine but i hear a light air buz in the engine bay when applying the accelerator as if it was behind the dash in the engine bay. havent looked yet but was hopeing to get ideas from here i probably need more info. i have to look for my scanner lol. well thanks for reading my post

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Use the paper clip method if you can't find the scanner. It's quick, easy, and best of all....cheap! If you don't know, here's the link..


if you hear air, vacuum leak comes to mind, but really...we need codes to really help, get those and post em up.

...For some reason your youtube link went to the main page and said your video was private...:dunno:

...From your codes listed, I would do a search for EGR...;)

...For some reason your youtube link went to the main page and said your video was private...:dunno:

...From your codes listed, I would do a search for EGR...;)

i logged of my account and clicked the link and it works

...From your video I got ...

332 =(R,M) EGR did not open/respond during test or if memory code, did not open intermittently - EVR or PFE

336 =(O,R,M) PFE sensor signal is/was was high - ">PFE

...Do a search on here by those code numbers and also search DPFE...;)

332 C,R EGR vavle opening not detected

336 R EGR circuit higher than expected

...did someone say dpfe ?? :shifty_ey


I'm somewhat new to this board, when you say cel, do you mean check engine light? Cause I do have a question about one popping up on my Explorer

I'm somewhat new to this board, when you say cel, do you mean check engine light? Cause I do have a question about one popping up on my Explorer


I have the same/similar issue with my 94. While driving the cel light comes on and off randomly. I don't sense anything different while driving. It doesn't come on when the car first starts, but will after you start driving. Owners manual states that when it blinks it means whatever issue had occured is resolved. I doubt this. I've heard it could be an oxygen sensor, air filter issue (already replaced that) or fuel line issue. It doesn't blink but does pop on and off randomly

a hose came loose thanks for ur replies

...Do you know what the hose was connected to???...Can you post a picture for future readers of this thread???

....like they always say " check all the vac lines before you go any further"

...good to hear it was something simple to fix :)

...Do you know what the hose was connected to???...Can you post a picture for future readers of this thread???

well its the only loose hose there so where else would it go to and it did shut off my light

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....like they always say " check all the vac lines before you go any further"

...good to hear it was something simple to fix :)
ya i did the hose was just sitting under where it goes into. you can see in the pic where the top orange tie strap is. thanks for all the great replies
