cel on 92 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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cel on 92 Explorer


Active Member
May 26, 2003
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City, State
Lakeside California
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 XLT Exploder
I have a code reader, and used it on a 94 Ex, no problem, I can't find the plug-in for the reader on my 92, anyone know where it is?

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top left corner behind power distribution box

On the 94, it was on the driver side center of the wheel well, are you saying that it is on the pass side in front of the fuse box?

on the '92 its on the passenger side, between the airbox/fusebox and the firewall.


It is on the passenger side on my 94. Not sure why it would be different than any other 1st. gen. ex.

on the '92 its on the passenger side, between the airbox/fusebox and the firewall.

I could only find one plug in that location, it had 6 connectors, and the reader fit 2 ways and it showed a solid light on both, any other suggestions? thanks Gary

Did you find the separate STI plug with the trapezoidal connector?

I found a plug that looks like half of an octagon

OK, I found the plugs I needed thanks to you guys, I pulled code #118,---Engine coolant temp sensor above max voltage / 0-40 deg indicated. Does anyone know where this sensor is, I see one at the thermostatic housing, could that be it? Is there a diagram showing where all these little buggars are?

ECT is located near the thermostat housing and has two wires coming out of it. The dash sensor sender will only have one wire coming out of it, but will be in the same area.
Are you certain the ECT itself is bad? Remember that codes point to problems in circuits, of which the sensor itself is only part.
Was it a KOEO code or a CM code? 1st step in doing this systematically is to determine if this is a hard fault (KOEO code) or an intermittent fault (CM code accompanied by a pass 111 KOEO code). If that doesn't make any sense, review my "notes on pulling EEC-IV codes" in the EEC-IV forum.

WTS = Gauge, ECT = Computer.
Both should read resistance IAW table.

If no joy, Mr Shorty presents a systematic approach with a very high likelihood of success. Feel free to ask questions after reading the afore mentioned notes in the EEC-IV subforum.


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  • ECT Chart.gif
    ECT Chart.gif
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It was shamaal's diagram from the search on the forum that pointed me to the location, I replaced the sensor today, and the cel did not come on as ussual. Thanks to all you guys for your help, I have learned a lot from this forum. Gary
