Center console out of a 94 into a 92? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Center console out of a 94 into a 92?


Well-Known Member
August 6, 2010
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City, State
Ontario, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 X 4x4
Was at the local pick a part today and found that the console in a 94 is actually better than in my 91. Mainly cause it has two cup holders.

Does anyone know for sure if the one in the 94 will fit in my 91?

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I have a console with two cupholders in my 92, and it seems almost exactly the same as my old 91 and my dad's 91 aside from the very front portion. I see no reason why it should not fit.

91-94 Explorers are basically all the same when it comes to body panels and interior components. A '94 console should bolt right in.

Great! Thanks to both of you for the help.

You could also just swap the Cup holder part it's only 2 screws IIRC.

lol just realized that too looking at it since my dad was just telling me he wanted a console with two cupholders

Yep, 2 screws.....and it's out. I did that on my 92 (built in 91) when I originally updated the I have a 2nd Gen console (and dash)....but the easy upgrade was upgrading the cupholders from 1 cup to 2.

