Change eatc color and message center? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Change eatc color and message center?

Hey guy's. I searched first, even google.

My girlfriend just bought a mint 97 Limited in black. She wants EVERYTHING inside red. Couldnt talk her into the blue like my Sport.....

I have all the gauges, door switches, and everything else done in red EXCEPT:

Digital heater controls + screen.
Message center controls + screen
Overhead compass screen.

You'd think red LED's would be enough to do the buttons on the eatc and message center, nope. You can get the blue tint off them and the red doesn't shine through.

Also, the displays... How do you make them show up red?

Thanks guys!

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I did some messing around, the message center just has a dark tinted sreen. The display inside had a green coating, scraped that off. Added 3 layers of transparent red plastic and it's red now.

BUT, like you said the eatc and overhead compass had tinted lenses too so they so far arent possible. Unless I make new lenses....

Also, no luck making the eatc buttons light up red.

I did some messing around, the message center just has a dark tinted sreen. The display inside had a green coating, scraped that off. Added 3 layers of transparent red plastic and it's red now.

BUT, like you said the eatc and overhead compass had tinted lenses too so they so far arent possible. Unless I make new lenses....

Also, no luck making the eatc buttons light up red.

I think briandye might have pulled that one off, if he did it's probably in his registry thread somewhere.

The eatc in her 97 Limited has the neo-wedge bulbs.

I have no problem hooking up LED's. I tried with some super bright red ones and they just dont shine through the buttons. Unlike the gauges you can't scrape the blue/green tint off them.

I would say to pull this off your gonna have to find a dot matrix display for the message center. I don't even know if you could change the compass/eatc readouts. Those displays are pretty much customized 7 segment displays with extra displays for the the weird stuff like rear ac off and the degrees symbol.
