Changing Blend Door Actuator in 2006 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Changing Blend Door Actuator in 2006 Explorer


March 21, 2008
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Middletown, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2010 Explorer XLT
I knew it wouldn't be long when I bought my 2006 Explorer last year before I had to change out this part. I previously owned a 2003 Explorer Gen 3 and changed out the same part in it but there are a few differences in the Gen 4. Has anyone out there changed this part out in their Gen 4? I know BigRondo has a great step by step write up in the Gen 3 forums on how to fix this annoying problem.

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Not to sound like a jerk, but before you make a thread be sure to search for the answer first. There are quite a few threads about this issue. ;)

I did search an old forum on fixing the same issue with my 2003. That's where I found out that the 2006 is a different generation then the 2003 and the steps would be a little different.

I did search an old forum on fixing the same issue with my 2003. That's where I found out that the 2006 is a different generation then the 2003 and the steps would be a little different.

Were you able to get it sorted?

Did the links I posted offer any help? :dunno:

I did search an old forum on fixing the same issue with my 2003. That's where I found out that the 2006 is a different generation then the 2003 and the steps would be a little different.

There are multiple threads on the 2006-2010 Explorers as well. :thumbsup:

I've been looking through them. I've not started on that yet. I'm having issues with the door locking mechanisms cycling constantly which is burning up door lock actuators and killing my battery. The locks literally cycle every thirty seconds or so and I have to start the truck a couple of times a day to keep the battery from dying.

I have a buddy who's trouble shooting it for me and he's eliminated the remote start. He thinks it's the GME which is about $500.

So far I have warm air blowing through it. In October I told my wife the blend door was going bad so I set the thermostat to the maximum heat temp and got the door to stop clicking. I told her not to touch it or we wouldn't have heat during the winter because I've been working non stop overtime. Well, during a warm spell in early November she decided that turning the thermostat down wouldn't hurt. So now we are stuck with warm air unless I can find a garage to work on this because I'm not freezing to death to replace the blend door.

Well, the blend door actuator...she finally crapped out and of course Ohio is now in the midst of a winter storm watch. It's going to be 8 degrees tonight!

Luckily my Explorer has rear seat heating too so I crank that up and let the thing run for a while. It's not the best solution but it's a short term fix.

I have ordered the replacement part from Silver State for $67 shipped. I'm hoping for a quick fix on this issue and then onto the GEM!

Not trying to hijack the thread but my 06 that I just purchased makes an odd sound when you start the car (when its cold). I know its coming from the blend door. Its loud enough to where when you are cranking over the engine the sound from the blend door makes it sound like the battery is dead. Makes a ticking sound. After the car starts up the ticking sound coming from that blend door stops. My thoughts were the blend door is either stuck or perhaps just being so darn cold out that it just doesnt like to move. It has been pretty cold here in Michigan.

my 06 started doing this too a few weeks ago when we were only hitting 15 for a high in utah here. its still doing it though at 40 degrees.

Keep us updated please

Well, the new blend door actuator is in and I have heat!!! Of course my my 13 year old daughter asked me why I waited until it was 60 degrees out to fix the heat. Gotta love a supportive teenager.

It took me about an hour. I did remove the trim piece and metal bar right under the steering column but that was only to clear a line of sight to the screw in there. I did however drop one of the screws down under the carpet and couldn't find it. It seems to be secured in pretty good with just two.

Good luck to who ever still has to do this repair.

Next up is replacing the GEM

Nice job on the fix! :D:thumbsup:

Thanks for keeping us posted.

Nice job on the fix! :D:thumbsup:

Thanks for keeping us posted.

Thanks for all the help! By your avatar I see you are a Bruins fan, condolences on the trade of Tim Thomas. A guy I work with is a huge Bruins fan and he's taking it pretty hard.

You're welcome.

I am a huge Bruins fan. Here's how I look at the Thomas trade: he was the main reason we won the cup but since he wasn't going to play for us, why not let him go and move toward the future.

It's too bad that it had to end that way seeing he is a big part of Bruins history.

I feel your pain. I'm a big Cleveland Browns Fan and it looks like we may not re-sign Phil Dawson.

Well, the blend door actuator...she finally crapped out and of course Ohio is now in the midst of a winter storm watch. It's going to be 8 degrees tonight!

Luckily my Explorer has rear seat heating too so I crank that up and let the thing run for a while. It's not the best solution but it's a short term fix.

I have ordered the replacement part from Silver State for $67 shipped. I'm hoping for a quick fix on this issue and then onto the GEM!

My wife used her rear seat heating for some time before I found a thread here about replacing the blend door. I wondered why anyone would want rear seat heating when we bought the truck......but it sure made my life easier when the blend door malfunctioned. Without that rear seat heat, I would have been repairing that thing the first cold day.

Well, the blend door motor decided to die on me yesterday. I am getting the loud click/pop and thud when changing from heat to cool and back again. Dealer wants $510 to fix it, so I am going to take this one on myself. Seems quite simple from the treads that I have read and a lot easier than the 3rd gen Ex's, only issue I have is getting the right one as Ford lists so many of them on their website.

Well, the blend door motor decided to die on me yesterday. I am getting the loud click/pop and thud when changing from heat to cool and back again. Dealer wants $510 to fix it, so I am going to take this one on myself. Seems quite simple from the treads that I have read and a lot easier than the 3rd gen Ex's, only issue I have is getting the right one as Ford lists so many of them on their website.

If you've got just the regular manual A/C then this is what you need.

That does look like the one. I do have the rear aux heating but the front blend door motor is the same if you have the manual A/C with Aux or without Aux. YH-1746 is for the rear blend door motor and YH-1744 is for the front.

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06 Explorer Passenger Side Blend Door (Dual Control)

Only cold air comes out the passenger side. Got the replacement part and started tearing in to it. Hoping it would be as easy as what everyone says about the driver's side; no such luck. It appears I may have to remove the dash as I cannot reach to top right hand screw; a bracket is in the way. I have the dash loosened on the right side and the glove box out but no way to reach that screw.
Any ideas, if not; quick way to get the dash out?
