changing from green to blue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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changing from green to blue

Is there any way to change the green glowing stuff (4wd, rear wiper, fog lights, message center) to blue? My deck glows a very bright blue, and I am changing all the dome lights to LED'S, and changing the gauges as well. I just wanted it all to match, and didn't know if i could.

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Yep, you can. You will have to take apart the switches, remove the green caps from the bulbs, and paint them with a transparent blue paint, which you can find in just about any hobby shop. As for the message center, if you take it apart you will find that the cover over the LED readout is glass, which appears green tinted but it is actually a coating that you can scrape off with a razor blade. Once you get it cleared off you just put a piece of blue gel film (what they use for stage lights) over the glass sandwiched between it and the plastic cover. Good luck!

Sweeeeet! I didn't know you could do this. I want mine red. :D

When you refer to the message center, what would that be in a 97? The display up top that tells you the temperature and N S E &W?

How can you change the AC and fan display? It seems like it's colored plastic lit up, not clear plastic lit up by a colored light. Might be impossible.

What about gauges and speedo?


the message center is below above the cup holders. says oil,gas info

if it's like my car. there's a film in front of the bulb you have to remove. which just putting blues lights in will make it less green, you have to go LED or completely remove the green film


That, circled in red, is what's basically above my cupholders. As you can see, it only has A/C.

So what is this fabled message center? The speedos and gauges behind the steering wheel?

I feel like a tool. :D :confused:

Ahhh. I don't have one of those. :D Thanks Bill.

Any way to change the lights for the AC and Fan displays I circled?

NYC97XLT said:
Ahhh. I don't have one of those. :D Thanks Bill.

Any way to change the lights for the AC and Fan displays I circled?

Sure, but it's going to take some work. You can buy the white face or indiglo gauges and take the easy way out.
