changing head unit on explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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changing head unit on explorer


November 16, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT
how do i get that black square trim plastic around the stock headunit and ac contros off? do i just pull and it pops off or what? and how many bolts are there holding it in?

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Not really sure how it comes off but you do not need to take the trim piece off to change the headunit.

Well I'm assuming you are talking about your 2000 Explorer listed where your avatar would be. The trim piece removal is not necessary. You just need the Ford radio removal tools to get the OE stereo out.

Well I'm assuming you are talking about your 2000 Explorer listed where your avatar would be. The trim piece removal is not necessary. You just need the Ford radio removal tools to get the OE stereo out.

yeah, sorry i didnt list that. so where do i get those tools?

yeah I've seen mine taken out and I have an 02. It's some little tool and I really want to get ahold of it...

If you have two holes on the left and two holes on the right of your radio you need these:

The tools do not need to be purchased from Crutchfield. I only used them for a reference since they have a decent photo of them. Any car audio shop should sell them.

If there are no holes on your radio you will need to remove the trim panel.

yeah i do have the holes. but i still dont understand how i dont have to remove that trim panel. looks like i should have to do both.

Ok if you really don't get it, I'm taking mine out probably wednesday and I can post a pic for you if you want.

stick the tools in the holes, pry outward gently with each tool, and pull. It's that easy.

hey guys i went out and looked at the hu. i understand how you do it now. thanks.

Glad you figured it out. Here is a pic from my install to help you as well.


yeah i had my local shop take mine out real quick. hes a cool guy. mines just sittin in there til i can go ahead and replace mine with the aftermarket.
