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Charcoal or Propane/Gas

Charcoal or Gas/Propane

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Charcoal/Mesquite for me. The food seems to taste better.

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i hate that my parents put a gas grill in at our house but when i do the grilling else where it is always charcoal, it just taste so much better

Charcoal starter is a a great tool! I hate lighter fluid, and match lite charcoal. I actually converted a gas grill to charcoal when the burner rusted out. My neighbor gave it to me when it quit working, and the wife and I use it weekly.

Gatorblazer said:
Charcoal starter is a a great tool! I hate lighter fluid, and match lite charcoal. I actually converted a gas grill to charcoal when the burner rusted out. My neighbor gave it to me when it quit working, and the wife and I use it weekly.

I've never seen that done before, could solve the problem I mentioned.
My grill is heavy 1/2 inch cast iron, no way my dogs could knock it over
Goes hand in hand with the charcoal chimney I think you are talking about, filed under "why didn't I think of that"
The charcoal chimney is a very cool invention IMO. Wally world must have sold millions of them.
Starter fluid flavor never goes away, I even think it is illegal in some states.

Charcoal for us...

Well, we have the Toolbox Grill for when we are out camping. Very portable and very awesome to cook with.


Here's our bad boy for the house. ;) He's not real pretty. We bought it from an estate sale down the street. SVO is planning to redo it with a little sandblasting, little high-temp paint, a few flames.... :D It's a New Braunfels smoker. It's the perfect size for all the Demon 4x4 get-togethers. :thumbsup:


SVO and Mudd***** are optional. :p

For everyday grilling, I use propane.. It quick/fast and less expensive.. I use woodchips (soaked) to get some extra flavor.. We grill about 3 times a week, and in summer even more since it doesn't heat up the house.

Now for best all out flavor, backyard bbq I like charcoal (mesquite)..

For tailgating, I like having the flavor of charcoal, but i don't like the mess/headache of the grill being taken home..


Propane for cheap stuff.

Mesquite charcoal and oak for expensive and products I want to savor.

I converted the propane over to Nat. Gas and grill all year long. I use it two or three times a week and have never missed the charcoal I used for 20+ yrs.

Definitely a fan of charcoal.

Not a fan of propane and propane accessories.


Free BBQ Grill

OK listen up! As every southerner knows it's time to get ready for that all important cooking technique of the south---outdoor Grilling! I have found several stores (not just in the south) where you can get a FREE Bar-B-Q Grill! This is not a joke. You can get a free BBQ grill from any of the following stores:
Food Lion
Big Lots
Sam's Club
and even our beloved New Orleans Robert's

I especially like the higher shelf which can be used for keeping things warm!


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gas, mainly becuase when I want a burger I want it now. I've grown up on gas and hang out with alot of "charcoal" di hards. I have never tasted a difference myself and I know others that agree. just my 2 cents.

I agree that charcoal does add flavor to the meat, but, I'm too lazy and impatient to mess with it. Unless, of course, I'm camping. Then I have nothing but time but I prefer a good bed of wood coals for that. Nothing like punching a hole in the top of a can of baked beans, wrapping some spuds in aluminum foil and cooking over a nice hot bed of <insert favorite kind of wood here> coals.

^^^I've got one of those, It's ok but a beoch to clean.

chriswells78 said:
^^^I've got one of those, It's ok but a beoch to clean.

i frist one i had was a pain, but the 2nd has removeable grill plate things

The George Foreman: An absolute necessity for the alcoholic college student and a last minute gift idea from Target for your brother in law in which you forgot all about his birthday party which is in only two hours...

Both. We have one of the Weber Performers. It has a small propane tank used to light the charcoal, then it's all charcoal from there on out.

My neighbor just got a Webers, but I've yet to see it in action. I've heard a lot of good about it, but I can't buy one. Too much mod money to save :D

At home I use and will always use my Webber kettle grill. I cant bring myself to buy a gas grill. IMHO there is just somthing wrong with cooking meat over gas. At work we use a Vermont Castings natural gas grill. Its ok but I would rather have my Webber.

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jp450 said:
I cant bring myself to buy a gas grill. IMHO there is just somthing wrong with cooking meat over gas.
Honestly man, i used to feel the same way. Now that we have a gasser, we grill at least 4 days a week. When i was stubborn and wouldnt use anything but the coal, we would grill maybe twice a month.
