Check fliud hot or cold | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Check fliud hot or cold


September 4, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT
Just had to top up my transmission fluid after a transfer case replacement and we have over filled it !.
After draining a good litre of fluid not sure when to check the level.

With the motor running or not , hot or cold, can not search a solution or see it in the manual

Also after driving around the block, i get a whirring sound off and on , could this be that the transmission is to full.

I do not want to drive it again till i have the right level of fluid to see if that has gone away


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tranny fluid is checked with tranny at normal operating temp and engine running.

So it appears that i may not have overfilled it and it needs more , with the motor running the indicator has no oil on it but when i switch off the motor the indicator is covered in oil all the way up ?

So i should just keep filling till the indicator is correct whilst running

Yes, pour in about 1/2 qt (< 0.5 L) or less at a time to avoid overfilling.

Yep fill it more. Then go through your gears, drive, 3,2 etc... and back to park. Check fluid again.

I know it states in Chilton manuals to always check the fluid when the engine is warm, and after a few miles of driving to get the transmission fluid to normal operating temperature.

What I do, is pour in ~1/4 of a qt, hop in the truck, switch through all the gears multiple times, holding each gear for about 10 seconds. After putting it back into park, let it set a minute or 2 to make sure all (most of) the fluid has drained down the tube, then check the level a couple times. Repeat as necessary.
