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Ti pistons? I don't thing so, nevertheless, one hella lot of work was put into that rig

Nice truck really like the relocated gas filler

Nice truck -- the filler relocation was nice! :thumbsup:

i am diffenetly doing that to my filler when i do the fiberglass reat fenders.. that is sweet

All that work and they left the stock tow hook on the rear :rolleyes:

Does anybody actually think doing that license plate angle sunken in deal is cool? I think it's king suck.

I DO love the gas door though!

The gas thing is cool if you don't mind lifting your hatch and emiting gas fumes into your vehicle every time you fill up.

nice truck, the molded plate holder is and always will be ghay, its even worse when you have no roll pan and put it at a funky angle, also you still have the stock plate location.

To each his own....Nice truck from what we can see there...

Filler for gas? Come on guys everyone knows thats fords optional blinker fluid cap.
I think some of you need to go back to Fords Options 101 class.

I believe someone on this forum has already did that with the fuel cap.
I'm not sure but i think it was racing jason.

410Fortune said:
nice truck, the molded plate holder is and always will be ghay, its even worse when you have no roll pan and put it at a funky angle, also you still have the stock plate location.

To each his own....Nice truck from what we can see there...

I was just thinking that it needs a roll pan if he is going to have the liscense plate that way. Glad I wasn't the only one to notice that.
Nice work otherwise though! :thumbsup:

I think it's extremely fugly.

Yeah the gas cap thing I did a long time ago... Thanks good to see someone remembers me... I have no place for the tag. I have a different idea....
truck all around dont seem to bad. To each there own...

I just think that a straight pipe 4.0 would sound horrible, a truck that custom should have a decent exhaust or it just seems cheap... just my opinion

sometimes straights done with proper bends are not to loud.... My v8 with just the cats and straights sounds real good... you do have one point though it is a 6cyl...
also that low it is harder to have much of a exhaust... still can just harder...

I LIKE the paint job! very nice looking overall, but I have to agree with 93 X_sport on the gas fumes thing... plus it would suck to have to open the hatch say, in the rain or snow to fill up. I think I'll just stick with the bullitt replica gas door ;)

Hope whoever buys it ends up on this board!

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Yeah this is cool.


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