Coil Spacers! Problems. Help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Coil Spacers! Problems. Help!


Ole Bag
Moderator Emeritus
August 22, 1999
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Celina, Texas
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Okay as many of you know my truck has been in the shop for a week and a half now getting more goodies installed. One of these goodies were the 1992 F-150 coil spring spacers. The problem we are having is that I added these on to my explorer which already had 6 inch susp. lift and now my sway bars are hitting the coil springs. To those who have installed these coil spring spacers did you have this problem? If so... What did you do to fix it? I think I am going to have to give my shop more money to fab up a new bracket system for the sway bar. And no, I dont want to take it off. Ten inches of lift and that would get a little scary on the road.

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Lets just bump this back up top.

Where did you purchace your spacers from? How much were they? Thanks for the info!

I purchased them from ford. They are for a 92 Ford F-150. Do a search for coil spacers and you will find the part numbers. They were like 17.00 for each side here in Dallas.


I cant remember which lift kit has it or whose rig has it, but to cure this, (I'm assuming you have the stock bushings in the stock location and either get this big 3-4" spacer than lowers the mounting location for your two main swaybar bushings (the long "D" ones) and/or use extended length arms on the sides (some ppl replace these with the quick-disconnect type while theyre at it, this also works for the rear bar if you still have it) to replace the short factory ones...use either or both of these mods to get the factory bar back to level and youre set..I also recommend using polyurethane bushings when you do this...

BTW both these mods should be cheap..
