Components in rear | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Components in rear


Well-Known Member
November 2, 2000
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City, State
San Jose, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Explorer Sport 2wd
where did you guys mount your tweeter if you had rear components?


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Well, no components in the rear, but i got em in the front, for the tweet, i drilled a hole in the factory grill, and stuck in the tweet, you could do that in the back too, If ya got enough wiring you could put the tweets up higher depending on your tastes, heck you could even mount 'em on the ceiling if ya want. Just stick the mid in the stock location, and seal it off with dynamat, no rattles and nice sound.

if you want the tweets to sound the best, try making a panel big enough and mount the tweet under the mid. it'll blend the notes a little better....

but then again, if you dont have bright tweets, then try on the door, or maybe even up above the doors, if you got a sport or something.

try taking some tape, and mount your mids and just start placing the tweets in random places and see where it sounds best.


I Mounted mine in the doors in the front and in the back I mounted the tweets on the upper part of the center pillar. You can check out the pics at my Sounddomain pag if you want.

Matt's Sounddomain Page


Want SQ? Don't put tweets in the rear. It drags the image behind you. Just use midranges in the rear with a crossover to keep the sound freq.'s over 1khz. Adjust your rear fill (if you can) to be -3db lower than the front levels.
Put the extra tweeters in the front, paralell your existing component tweeters. Put a pair on axis (pointing at you - like in the vents) and a pair off-axis - like in the doors.

my .02¢


Well you can't really tell from my pictures of the Tweets that are in the rear but they are positioned so they are facing the front and are running of the front set of RCA's just as the ones in the front are. They are behind your head while sitting in the front but the soundstage is in front of you and sounds pretty good. The Tweets in the rear are the first ones I installed and it was a year ago since then I got a new HU and the EQ and they are much better then the ones I had when I first installed them and now I have the second set of tweets in there and the Ideal location for my second set would have been in the Dash somewhere I believe and have one set in the front doors but Now I have holes in the Trim panels for the rear ones where they are attached and instead of having little holes in the rear trim I left them where they were. Anyone have any Trim pieces for the back of a 2001 Ex Sport?


heres mine:

