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Continuing seat problem


Well-Known Member
June 25, 2005
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City, State
essex uk
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 North Face
Drivers seat is stuck in position with the switch dead. It is in a position so that I cant access the rear bolts. There is power from the battery to the connector under the seat, but , doesn't appear to be any power at the switch or to the memory switch on the door. I have checked the fuses and passenger seat works fine. I have thought about supplying power direct to the switch but cant find a wiring diagram for the seat switch for live and earth. Anyone else had this problem?

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Using a multimeter you should be able to probe the switch pins and/or connector, with the other multimeter lead on a chassis ground point, to figure out ground from a continuity beep and/or very low resistance reading. At least I am assuming the motor has a ground return lead or is it grounded through the seat frame?

Next, after unplugging the connector(s) to the whole seat, and having a ground lead connected, you should be able to just jumper wire the 12V from it to each remaining switch pin in turn until the seat moves itself clear of the bolts. Make sure none of them are another ground so you aren't shorting out the battery.

I know nothing about a memory switch on the door, but that comment reminds me that the door hinge wiring is subject to fray apart so I would check for broken wires in that bundle.

Thanks for that. I cant reach the other connectors under the seat as it is low. My thought is that the power would go from the supply, through the motor then to the switch. I have got another seat base as I have had problems with this seat before, but cant access the bolts to get them out.

Managed it with a cut down socket! hopefully the new seat base will solve it. Didn't realise how much electrical stuff is under the seats

I converted my erratic electric seat to reliable manual slider. It wasn't difficult. Cost was low using all junkyard parts.
